Agenda - 12-14-2004-7d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-14-2004
Agenda - 12-14-2004-7d
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8/29/2008 10:27:27 AM
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z <br />be operated by the County's Department on Aging. Consideration may also be given to the <br />development of an affordable housing component to this project, given the 16 acres or so upon <br />which the SportsPlex is situated. <br />Staff have held several meetings/discussions with Jim Sloop, a Certified Public Accountant <br />(CPA) and principal with the Chapel Hill accounting firm of Blackman & Sloop. The firm is <br />interested in working with the County to conduct analysis related to current and projected fiscal <br />activity of the Triangle SportsPlex as well as of other financial considerations related to the <br />viability of a possible recreation/senior center/affordable housing co-location at the <br />Meadowlands. Staff will report at this December 14 meeting regarding a preliminary scope of <br />work for Blackman and Sloop. Over the coming weeks, the total scope of work with the firm <br />would evolve and be fleshed out based on how much analysis staff can accomplish and how <br />much of the analysis requires the expertise that the CPA firm and associated specialists can <br />bring to bear, <br />Staff will also likely need to engage other consultants during the BOCC's winter break to assist <br />in the due diligence evaluation of reasonable terms for the County's possible acquisition of the <br />SportsPlex property. These might include (but not necessarily be limited to) updates of the <br />physical plant inventory done three years ago and engagement of a project manager far the <br />overall assessment of an Eatan Vance offer and possible BOCC decision package for Tate <br />February-early March 2005 (this approach would be modeled after the County's successful <br />employment of contracted project managers far the major undertakings associated with Y2K <br />preparations and replacement business system software implementation). <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff requests that the Board authorize at this time the expenditure of <br />an amount not to exceed $30,000 to complete the business analysis, updated physical plant <br />assessment, and other services essential to develop a decision package for the Board's <br />consideration in late Winter 2005 regarding the possible acquisition of the SportsPlex as part of <br />a recreation/senior center/affordable housing project, Funding for this work can be addressed <br />through the appropriation already in place through the 2004-05 SportsPlex Capital Project <br />Ordinance. That project ordinance appropriated $400,000 for FY 2004-05. Of that amount, <br />$300,000 is needed to complete the County's contractual obligations under the SportsPlex <br />Facilities/Services Agreement that expires on March 31, 2005. The remaining $100,000 <br />appropriation is unobligated at this point and may be employed to address other SportsPlex <br />related costs. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board authorize the Manager <br />and staff to develop a proposed agreement with Blackman & Sloop, subject to final review by <br />staff and the County Attorney, and authorize the Chair to sign it; and authorize the Manager to <br />execute additional professional service contracts as needed, with the total amount for all <br />professional services not to exceed $30,000, to assist in the due diligence evaluation of a <br />possible SportsPlex acquisition decision,. <br />
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