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19 <br /> will be no cost-sharing agreement. He said Orange County has been very clear that it will not <br /> go beyond $149.5 million. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is trying to get to the point of, if Durham does not pick up <br /> the money, then who will, and does the project die. <br /> Several Commissioners said yes, if there is no money the project cannot proceed. <br /> Commissioner McKee referred to information about cost savings, and asked if the <br /> elimination of stations, single car trains, running at grade, etc., is being considered. <br /> John Talmadge said GoTriangle brainstormed these ideas, and they did not come from <br /> the FTA. He said none of these ideas would be easy, and all stakeholders would have to be <br /> consulted. He said these ideas would only be utilized once the invitation for bids go out, and <br /> contractors come back with costs that are higher than estimates, and higher than the parties <br /> believe to be affordable. He said it would be most effective to have these conversations, and a <br /> plan in place, prior to this happening. <br /> Commissioner Bedford referred to the current cost figures, and asked if GoTriangle has <br /> already included the cost to ameliorate the electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the vibration <br /> at Duke, or will this be an additional cost. <br /> John Talmadge said GoTriangle does not expect there to be additional costs at this <br /> time, and the vibration construction estimates assume that the contracts will include terms to <br /> manage vibration. He said the only equipment potentially affected by the electromagnetic <br /> interference is one electron microscope, and the estimate says that this could be protected with <br /> a $40,000 EMI cancellation device. He said if Duke brings forth other concerns, GoTriangle will <br /> assess them accordingly. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos clarified that Duke said it was dissatisfied with the solutions for <br /> the EMI, and only provided the location of one microscope. <br /> John Talmadge said Duke gave a list of assets that was reviewed by the EMI consultant, <br /> who identified two electron microscopes and six magnetic resonance imaging machines that <br /> may be affected by EMI. He said only one of these items is in a building that would be close <br /> enough to the trains for there to be a potential impact. He said there may be other equipment <br /> that is of concern to Duke, but GoTriangle is not aware of any at this time. <br /> John Roberts referred back to the mobile home ordinance, and said the County does <br /> have the authority to have an abandoned mobile home ordinance. He said that authority expires <br /> in 2023, and the State has a competitive grant program, and Orange County would only qualify <br /> for $1000 per mobile home. He said the State has given a little over $1 million from 2008 to <br /> 2018, which was only good for 594 homes at about $2000 per home. He said the County does <br /> have the authority, and as it is a nuisance type issue, it would probably be best under the Solid <br /> Waste Ordinance. <br /> Commissioner Price said she would like the Board to consider this. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m. <br /> Penny Rich, Chair <br /> Donna Baker <br /> Clerk to the Board <br />