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18 <br /> John Talmadge said the model is a complicated tool, and the number is not $237 + $88 <br /> million. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he distinctly remembers, when the idea of private funding <br /> first came up, being told that this would be raised privately, and it was stated with confidence. <br /> He said there was no "maybe" or"hopefully" involved. He said he questions that it will come to <br /> fruition. <br /> John Talmadge said the indication he is getting from his fundraiser is that the <br /> corporations need to know that the project is going to go forward and be completed. He said as <br /> the necessary steps are taken to get there, the fundraiser believes this will be the signal needed <br /> to get the donors to commit. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there are new costs associated with capital expense, and he <br /> knows Orange County has set a hard limit of$149.5 of capital, and in order for this to hold <br /> someone else will have to pick up all the new costs. He asked if there is any guidance available <br /> on who will pick up the interest on the new capital costs. <br /> John Talmadge said that is part of the conversation with Durham County and the City of <br /> Durham. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if Orange County were to pick up the new interest on the <br /> new capital costs, would the $149.5 not change. <br /> John Talmadge said because of the commitments made in the 2017 transit plans and <br /> cost sharing agreements, it is like the capital dollars from the two counties are held separately. <br /> He said $149.5 is the commitment from Orange County, which is held the same, then the <br /> borrowing that is needed for additional costs is not coming from the Orange County side or the <br /> financing of the Orange County $149.5 million. He said it is all coming form the other side, and <br /> that is part of the conversations with Durham County and the City of Durham. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that is an interesting reply. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the risk assessment from FTA is the last correspondence <br /> GoTriangle has received from FTA. <br /> John Talmadge said he would have to check. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the absolute last date, by which the BOCC would have to <br /> endorse a new plan and cost share agreement, could be identified. <br /> John Talmadge said the last regular BOCC meeting in April. He said the April 30 is a <br /> real deadline, and it would need to be in advance of that. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there have been two delays in getting information with hard <br /> numbers to the BOCC, and asked if there is any expectation for the BOCC to sign off on either <br /> one of these agreements before receiving complete information, if there is another delay of <br /> additional information. <br /> John Talmadge asked if Commissioner McKee is only referring to the financial <br /> information. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is asking if there is any expectation of the BOCC signing <br /> off on a new transit plan, or cost sharing agreement, prior to receiving all completed <br /> information. He asked if the BOCC will have all completed information before April 30. <br /> John Talmadge said the expectation is that a completed financial plan, the updated <br /> language to the transit plan, and updated language to the cost sharing agreement would come <br /> forward to the BOCC, Durham County, the MPO and GoTriangle once for a meeting to explain <br /> it, and a second meeting for action. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the information comes forward, and Durham declines to <br /> accept all of the new costs, will the BOCC be asked to move past the $149.5 million boundary. <br /> John Talmadge said that would be an option. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said that will all be negotiated in the cost-share negotiating <br /> process, which will be brought to both Boards. He said if no consensus is reached, then there <br />