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16 <br /> John Talmadge said those timelines were set in place last summer by the State <br /> legislation, and are tied to the access to the $190 million. He said the first deadline calls for all <br /> of the non-federal and non-state funding to be committed to the project. He said the November <br /> deadline calls for all the federal money to be committed, the full funding grant agreement. <br /> John Talmadge said in the 2017 plans, the negotiations about the cost split included <br /> private fundraising to close the gap between the two counties, but because that money is not <br /> going to be committed in time, the conversation with the City of Durham and Durham County is <br /> whether these two entities can back stop that gap, while the fundraising continues. He said the <br /> hope is that that Durham City and County will never have to pay any of that money, but the <br /> commitment must be in place now in order to meet the state deadline, and have a complete <br /> financial plan for the federal government to review. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the deadline for the non-federal and non-state funds in <br /> April include any of the private fundraising, and the commitment for the funds has to be there, <br /> even if the private entities have not yet committed. <br /> John Talmadge said yes. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if Duke had participated and donated the land, would that <br /> have counted in that pot. <br /> John Talmadge said yes. He said this pot would include property donations, including <br /> the $16 million value of the Duke land, and private corporate sponsorships. He said the <br /> fundraiser has indicated that the private landowners and donors are looking for a signal that the <br /> project will go forward prior to making a commitment. He said many donors were waiting to see <br /> what Duke would do, which has delayed other donations and made them unreliable. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if outside counsel is going to be hired, and, if so, is there <br /> a timeline for doing so. <br /> John Talmadge said outside counsel is already on board and under contract, and have <br /> been approved by the GoTriangle board. He said now it is a matter of finding the best <br /> individuals within those teams to take on the work. He said there are daily consultations with <br /> the legal counsel, and it will hopefully be resolved within days. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if the GoTriangle board has the authority to decide <br /> whether or not to pursue imminent domain. <br /> John Talmadge said the decision would be to authorize going forward with the private <br /> property acquisition process. He said it always starts with doing an appraisal of the property <br /> value, making a fair market value offer to the property owner, trying to negotiate for a period of <br /> time, and if all fails, then proceed to a condemnation process. He said the GoTriangle board <br /> has to authorize both the initiation of the purchase and condemnation processes. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if an application can still be made to the FTA if the <br /> property is not secured. <br /> John Talmadge said they have to show that they have the authorities to acquire the <br /> property. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if GoTriangle is expecting more information from the FTA, <br /> and if the order for the cost sharing agreements and the FTA report could be explained. She <br /> asked if the closing of the federal government has had any impact. <br /> John Talmadge said there is on-going communication about all of these processes, and <br /> there is an annual submittal of data about the project that goes into an annual report that the <br /> FTA creates. He said this annual report is scheduled to come out this month or next. He said <br /> they do expect communication from the FTA about the specific expectations and requirements <br /> on the environmental documentation to be required for the downtown and the revised <br /> environmental supplemental assessment. He said the FTA sent a draft risk assessment report, <br /> and GoTriangle provided comments, and the FTA issues a final report. He said no material <br />