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15 <br /> BRT and Hillsborough train station from the 2017 adopted transit plan. He said the capital <br /> dollar commitment of$149.5 million, of Orange County transit tax to the light rail project, <br /> remains the same. He said the financing costs associated with the $149.5 million would be at or <br /> below the levels that are in the 2017 transit plan levels. <br /> John Talmadge said the changes would reflect the new cost of the LRT project, and the <br /> changes to the other sources of revenue: the state funding, and the other local funding <br /> (Durham share and private capital campaign share). <br /> John Talmadge said the private capital campaign only has $15 million currently, and <br /> there would have to be a backstop committed at this point in time, which has been part of the <br /> conversation with the cost-sharing partners and the City of Durham. <br /> John Talmadge said the conversations have reiterated that there will be no changes to <br /> the $149.5 million Orange County commitment, and that the financing costs would be at, or <br /> below, the 2017 transit plan levels. <br /> John Talmadge said the final work on this, due to the April 301" state deadline for the <br /> non-state/non-federal funds, requires all entities to come together and finish these transit plans, <br /> release them for public comment, and come back to the elected boards for presentations, <br /> details, and a vote. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the backstop funding could be explained. <br /> John Talmadge said the private fundraising does not have a clock on it, and it can <br /> continue throughout the project. He said GoTransit Partners (non-profit organization) was set <br /> up to do the private fundraising, and has a consultant working for it to conduct outreach and <br /> fundraising. He said the consultant has heard a lot of positive interest from corporations that <br /> will sponsor the project once it is definitely going to move forward. He said at this point in time, <br /> the financial plan must be finalized, and a commitment shown to the FTA that the money is <br /> secure, even if the private fundraising is not as successful as expected. He said the backstop <br /> is the commitment that the money will be there, but it gets reduced with every private dollar that <br /> comes in. <br /> Commissioner Price said Orange County's costs will be the same, but the finance <br /> charges will be lower. <br /> John Talmadge said the financing charges would be at, or below, the 2017 levels <br /> because the long term borrowing uses the federal loan program that has very favorable terms <br /> for transportation projects. He said the estimated rate that was used was very conservative <br /> (5%), and as the time has come closer and closer, it seems the rates will be lower than <br /> estimated, and the federal rate is currently 3%. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if options to move forward without cooperative agreement <br /> with Duke could be identified. She asked if the routes would be altered. <br /> John Talmadge said the options do not include changing the alignment because of the <br /> timeline and costs associated with making those changes. He said the station location in <br /> between the Duke and VA medical centers is the second highest ridership projection, due to the <br /> proximity of jobs in this area. He said all other mechanisms to proceed without a cooperative <br /> agreement are being explored, and it is unclear how this will all work out. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if it will be same with the railroads should they say no. <br /> John Talmadge said they are much more confident of reaching an agreement with the <br /> railroads, and timing is the bigger issue. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the additional monies that are needed, and asked if <br /> Durham County will pick that up. <br /> John Talmadge said his staff is talking with Durham about this, but Durham has made <br /> no commitments at this time. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said there are deadlines in April and November, and asked if the <br /> specifics for each of these deadlines could be clarified. <br />