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14 <br /> John Talmadge said there is a path to resolving the remaining issues on a timeline that <br /> works for submitting the FTA grant application. <br /> John Talmadge said the FTA application is a process, and it is the last step in the <br /> process. He said GoTriangle has been providing materials to the FTA for many months, and <br /> once the FTA agrees that the agency is ready, GoTriangle will send a letter requesting to apply <br /> for the full funding grant, and the terms of the grant are negotiated. <br /> John Talmadge said another step, in being ready to apply for the FTA grant, is the <br /> environmental documentation. He said GoTriangle released a supplemental environmental <br /> assessment draft in October, and had public comments on it. He said this document contained <br /> a plan for downtown that required the closing of Blackwell Street, and a signature civic space <br /> span across the railroad there. He said in December, because of communication from the <br /> railroads that the shared crossing in the plan was not acceptable, as well as feedback from <br /> downtown stakeholders regarding the closing of Blackwell Street closing, and an <br /> encouragement from the FTA to deal with the RR objections, GoTriangle created an alternative <br /> design that includes underpasses, the tunnel section in the middle, and a bridge on the east <br /> end of that stretch. <br /> John Talmadge said GoTriangle is waiting on final direction from the FTA about the <br /> environmental review requirements, but is anticipating a revised supplemental environmental <br /> assessment. He said this would be a document including the updated downtown changes, and <br /> technical corrections to the October supplemental environmental assessment; followed by a 30- <br /> day public comment period. He said it is unknown when this will occur, and GoTriangle expects <br /> to hear from the FTA momentarily. <br /> John Talmadge said the FTA is asking for a Draft Risk Assessment Report, which is <br /> something the FTA requires of every single project applying for large capital improvement <br /> grants. He said the FTA is looking at the scope of the project, the cost estimates, and the <br /> schedule for delivering the project through construction. He said a team from the FTA has <br /> submitted a number of changes to the budget that it would like to see in the final budget that <br /> would go through the application. He said these changes are as follows: <br /> • Pettigrew Street Changes <br /> $128.8 million additional needed for real estate lease fees for the railroad; contract or <br /> overhead. <br /> • Construction escalation (inflation during construction period) needed to be more <br /> conservative. It was at 3.1% annual rate, and FTA said it should be 3.6% based on <br /> what the FTA has seen in construction costs nationally. This is an impact of adding <br /> $47.8 million in year of expenditure to the project. <br /> • Contingency# - how far has the design progressed, and the FTA does a statistical <br /> simulation to see how much they want to see to have a good robust budget. This was <br /> an additional $60.4 million. <br /> John Talmadge said this totals $237 million in addition to the budget in year of <br /> expenditure dollars. <br /> John Talmadge said GoTriangle has been working with this information during the <br /> recent weeks, and information about borrowing rates, and has had conversations with the cost- <br /> sharing partners and the City of Durham, in order to create a final financial plan. <br /> John Talmadge said the final financial plan would have to be reflected in both the <br /> Orange County and Durham County transit plans. He referred to the Orange County side of <br /> things, and said the working assumption is that there will be no changes to the transit tax <br /> revenues that would be committed to bus services, vehicle purchases, bus stop improvements, <br />