Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> • Planning Board (Orange County) Lydia Wegman, Chair <br /> Lydia Wegman said the Planning Board is focusing on coordination with the other <br /> advisory boards, and doing an update to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. She said it is <br /> particularly important for the Planning and Economic Advisory Boards to be in close <br /> communication and cooperation. She said there has been extensive work done on the Table of <br /> Permitted Uses, and staff has done an excellent job. She said there will be work done on <br /> affordable housing issues, as well as greater access to services in the rural parts of the County. <br /> She said cluster developments are being strongly considered, along with climate change and <br /> sustainability in the County. <br /> Craig Benedict said the 2030 Comprehensive Plan was approved in 2008, with a review <br /> scheduled every ten years. He said, during this process, the Commissioners came up with 8 <br /> planning principles to guide all the different elements from land use to transportation to housing, <br /> etc. He said the process that was established to create the 2030 plan brought together all the <br /> lead advisory boards to work together. He said when the 2020 census data becomes <br /> available; they will look at the trend lines and adjust accordingly. <br /> Lydia Wegman said Commissioner involvement would be welcomed in this process. <br /> Commissioner Price said the Planning Board met with all the other advisory boards <br /> previously, and asked if this information was still available. <br /> Craig Benedict said all this information is still available, but an update would be good as <br /> some things have changed. <br /> Lydia Wegman said to use the same process, and revise as needed. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said one of the Planning Board's top emerging issues is listed as <br /> the removal of uninhabitable housing. He said he was unaware this was an issue, and asked if <br /> any investigations have been conducted, and, if so, what is the scope of the problem. <br /> Craig Benedict said when staff did the inventory of mobile homes (individual and in <br /> mobile home parks), a lot of abandoned homes were found. He said there used to be grant <br /> monies to remove these homes but those funds have dried up. He said these abandoned <br /> homes are not only a safety hazard, but are eyesores when showing areas for potential <br /> economic development. He said the nuisance regulations available to cities, are not as <br /> available to the County, but staff is seeking a higher level of enforcement to try and treat this <br /> problem. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the number of abandoned homes is known, or if there is <br /> an area of greater concentration. <br /> Craig Benedict said these homes are scattered throughout the County, and likely <br /> number between 100-200 homes. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the County could have a similar regulatory/enforcement <br /> authority as the cities. <br /> Craig Benedict said enabling legislation would be needed. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is a place to take the uninhabitable mobile homes. <br /> Craig Benedict said part of the issue is moving them, as well as where to move them. <br /> He said the C&D facility is not equipped to take a lot of the mobile home materials. <br /> Chair Rich asked if the original 8 principles could be sent to the BOCC. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said staff will do an information item on this topic. <br /> Chair Rich said a climate change committee has just been created, which will involve all <br /> of the towns in the County. She said Lydia Wegman may want to tap into this. <br /> Chair Rich said to include Commission for the Environment as well. <br /> Lydia Wegman said this is absolutely happening, and its omission was a mistake. <br /> Craig Benedict said the 2030 Comprehensive Plan includes a sustainability chapter, <br /> which connects environment, economy and social equity. He said the goal in planning is to <br />