Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> remains concerned that Orange County is not paying attention to this corridor as pertains to <br /> transportation. She said more and more people are moving into Chatham County, and the <br /> traffic will be horrendous. She urged the Board to be forward thinking about this issue, and <br /> petitioned the Board to start doing some planning. <br /> Chair Rich said there are a few meetings next week: Go Triangle will attend the <br /> Board of County Commissioners' work session on March 12t"; another DOLR partners <br /> meeting may be coming up, but no details yet; another work session on April 4t" and the <br /> discussion of how to move forward on the joint meetings with the Towns. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to the Carrboro item that Chair Rich mentioned, and <br /> asked if the Town owns the property in question. <br /> Chair Rich said no, it is owned by a private landowner, and she would like to know <br /> more about the "flex zone". <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said it is important to talk with the Town of Carrboro as well, <br /> especially in the spirit of One Orange. <br /> Chair Rich said she met with Annette Moore, Human Rights and Relations Director, <br /> about the One Orange theme, which will be brought back on April 4t" <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the Rogers Road hook ups, and said it is important <br /> for Chapel Hill to be working on this issue, in addition to the County. <br /> Chair Rich said there will be getting an agenda item that will lay out all the costs, <br /> including information from Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br /> Commissioner Price said Chapel Hill took that area in as an ETJ, which makes it <br /> eligible for CBDG grants to help with the hook ups. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/Special Presentations <br /> a. Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan Adoption <br /> The Board considered adopting the 2019 Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access <br /> Management Plan. <br /> Commissioner Price said she pulled this item off the consent agenda as the public <br /> hearing has closed and residents cannot speak. She said many residents are here tonight, <br /> and she asked if a decision on this could be delayed. She said there are two historic <br /> churches and some cemeteries in this area, and even though there were community <br /> meetings, there is still a great deal of confusion and the community needed time to fully <br /> understand and be prepared to speak to the issue. She said the community was not ready <br /> at the BOCC public hearing, but would like to work with staff to help everyone understand <br /> the impacts to their neighborhood. She said it is her understanding that this is not an <br /> urgent matter, and a delay should be possible. <br /> Craig Benedict, Planning Director, said the only urgency is that this date was set for <br /> a decision. He said there is an existing 2011 access management plan, and this is an <br /> update to that. He said a delay may start the process all over again. He said 1000 notices <br /> were sent out, and he would have to work with the Attorney's office. He said the specific <br /> concern is Buckhorn Road, and a traffic separation study that was brought forward by <br /> Mebane to find a way to go over the railroad. He said this is not within the 10-year state <br /> transportation improvement program, but rather is an independent study. He said if the <br /> study of this overpass proceeds, Orange County has already recommended to the railroad <br /> the best alignment that would not affect the church. <br /> Commissioner Price said at this point it is hard to tell what the community members <br /> are seeing as detrimental, but the community thinks that the plan will have two of the routes <br /> go through family cemeteries. <br /> Craig Benedict said nothing is imminent, and this plan goes from Efland to Mebane. <br /> He said the Board could approve the access management plan and work with the <br />