Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Commissioner Price said the Community and Economic and Workforce <br /> Development steering committee continues to push for increases to funding to CDBG and <br /> HOME <br /> Commissioner Price said the NACo Justice and Public Safety steering committee passed a <br /> resolution to support bail reform, and she also moderated a panel and was able to share what <br /> Orange County is doing in this area. <br /> Commissioner Price said the Board received an email about Government IDs being <br /> used for voter ID, and she asked if the Attorney had an update. <br /> John Roberts said this did not require Board approval, and is being taken care of <br /> administratively. <br /> Commissioner Price said it is important for the County to help people vote in any <br /> way it can. <br /> Commissioner Price said she was requested to ask for a proclamation to commend <br /> the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on its 110th <br /> anniversary, as well as its anti-lynching efforts. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she will be attending a Climate Reality Corps <br /> Conference in Atlanta next week. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said Go Heels! <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said there is a petition to recall several members of the <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools' (CHCCS) school board, and the CHCCS Chair, <br /> Margaret Samuels, has already resigned. He said the other two officials' terms are up in <br /> November, and he sees no reason for the community be put through a recall with the <br /> election around the corner. He said this is a poor use of resources: $84-130,000 for a <br /> recall election. He said he loves democracy, but this is an unfortunate way to go. He said <br /> he hoped their colleagues on the school board do not appoint people to fill empty seats, but <br /> rather wait until the election. <br /> Chair Rich said she agreed with Commissioner Dorosin, and thanked CHCCS Chair <br /> Samuels for the wonderful job she has done for Orange County. <br /> Chair Rich said the bill that Commissioner Dorosin spoke about was written in 1994, <br /> allowing anyone on the school board to be recalled for any reason. She said this bill should <br /> be revisited, as it is no longer applicable in this day and time. She said she spoke to the <br /> author of the bill over the weekend, and his intent in writing it was to make a recall difficult. <br /> Chair Rich attended the NACo conference as well, and spent her time meeting with <br /> individuals, as opposed to attending meetings. She said she too is frustrated with <br /> broadband, and she did not like seeing members of the BOCC in the same room as <br /> lobbyists. She said these should be separate meetings. She said the idea of competition <br /> continues to be pushed, which does not help the general public. <br /> Chair Rich asked if staff could provide more information about an area in Carrboro <br /> at the end of Eubanks Road at Old 86. She said she received an email from a concerned <br /> citizen, and there is a petition to change a parcel there from an R1 or R2 into a flex zone. <br /> She would like to know what the flex zone means. She said this is a transitional area, and <br /> the extra-territorial jurisdictions elect the BOCC members, but the BOCC members do not <br /> create the zoning, which creates confusion. She asked if Carrboro could reiterate that it is <br /> in charge of zoning in this area, not the BOCC. <br /> Chair Rich said there was a Rogers Road/Greene tract meeting last week, and the <br /> sewer project is coming along nicely. She said it is time to think about how to fund the hook <br /> up of the homes, and this conversation will occur at an upcoming meeting. <br /> Chair Rich said the Chatham — Orange Work Group met, and Jim Northup, Chief <br /> Information Office, made a presentation on open broadband in Orange, which currently has <br /> a circle in northern and southern Orange County. She said the southern circle overlaps into <br /> Chatham County, and Jim Northrup is working with Chatham on this issue. She said she <br />