Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 2. Public Comments <br /> a. Matters not on the Printed Agenda <br /> Craig Carter said he received many calls after the joint meeting of the Board of <br /> County Commissioners (BOCC) and Fire Departments. He said he wears gloves as he has <br /> a nerve disease, and does not feel his hands and feet. He said he thinks that the 911 <br /> system is the problem, and does not always relay the information to the proper authorities. <br /> He said he talked with Keith Nelson about flooding in the Eno River, which is where he <br /> learned that Alamance County would be called in the case of emergency swift water. He <br /> said this seemed strange, and he called the Eno Fire Department who told him they had a <br /> rubber boat and a paddle. He referred to the possibility of a training facility, and said he <br /> would like to see this run through Orange County resources and stakeholders, not Durham <br /> Tech. He said Duke owns 7000 acres, and does not pay taxes or fire taxes. He said the <br /> State Parks own 4200 acres and also pays no taxes. He said more resources are needed <br /> in the northern part of the County. <br /> Nick Jimonoz said he is from the Southern Environmental Law Center, and has <br /> comments about the light rail project (LRT). He said the LRT has suffered setbacks since <br /> Duke has decided not to support it, but this is just setback and this project has been in the <br /> works for 20 years, and there is a lot of support throughout the triangle. He said none of <br /> that support goes away just because of another obstacle, and he asked the Board of <br /> County Commissioners (BOCC) to continue to support the light rail project. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the <br /> agenda below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he attended the GoTriangle cost sharing meeting, <br /> which was required to occur due to a substantive change taking place. He said this <br /> meeting occurred on Monday, and the BOCC has since received the numbers that were <br /> shared. He said costs have increased by $237million, with the FTA requiring $60.4 million <br /> in additional contingency, based partly on costs of projects around the country; a $47.8 <br /> million inflation adjustment; and more contractor overhead with the monies available for the <br /> project being in line with what is going on around the country. He said the Board already <br /> passed a resolution that it would not spend anymore than $149.5 million as the base cost, <br /> plus the financing costs. He said the FTA has given their ok to some Transportation <br /> Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loans that can be procured at a lower <br /> interest rate, which could generate overall savings for the project. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said this was a hectic meeting, during which a letter was <br /> being composed to Duke asking them to enter into a mediation process, which Duke has <br /> indicated it is unwilling to do. He said there will be a work session with Go Triangle Board <br /> on Tuesday March 12 at noon. <br /> Commissioner McKee apologized to the Board of County Commissioners for an <br /> email, which he sent the Board earlier this week. He said he stands by the points he made <br /> in the email, but his tone was accusatory and personal, for which he apologized. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the GoTriangle presentation will occur at the BOCC work <br /> session on the 12t", and he petitioned to allow public comment that evening. <br /> Commissioner Price attended the National Association of Counties (NACo) <br /> legislative conference, and there is a new app, to collect data on upload and download <br /> speeds, called testit. She said there is a big push to get broadband nationwide. <br />