Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> ATTACHMENT V—MANDATED PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: <br /> Work First <br /> Standard Measure County Performance Rationale and Authority <br /> Measure <br /> 1 The County will collect DHHS will work with the Ensure that all work-eligible <br /> documentation from 50%of all county to identify the individuals are engaged in <br /> Work-Eligible individuals that County's performance federally countable work <br /> demonstrates completion of the measure for FYI 9-20 based activities. <br /> required number of hours of on the County's <br /> federally countable work performance for the TANF State Plan FFY 2016- <br /> activities. preceding state fiscal year 2019 <br /> NCGS 108A-27.2(10) <br /> NCGS 108A-27.6(1) <br /> NCGS 108A-27.13(a) <br /> NCGS 108A-27.14 a- b <br /> 2 The County will collect DHHS will work with the Ensure all work-eligible two- <br /> documentation from 90%of county to identify the parent families are engaged in <br /> two-parent families with Work County's performance federally countable work activities <br /> Eligible individuals that measure for FY19-20 based for the required number of <br /> verifies that the they have on the County's participation hours. <br /> completed the required number performance for the <br /> of hours of federally countable preceding state fiscal year TANF State Plan FFY 2016- <br /> work activities. 2019 <br /> NCGS 108A-27.2(10) <br /> NCGS 108A-27.6(1) <br /> NCGS 108A-27.13(a) <br /> NCGS 108A-27.14 a- b <br /> 3 The County will process 95% The County will process Ensure that eligible families <br /> Work First applications within 95%Work First receive Work First benefits in a <br /> 45 days of receipt. applications within 45 days timely manner. <br /> of receipt. <br /> TANF State Plan FFY 2016- <br /> 2019 <br /> NCGS 108A-31 <br /> 4 The County will process 95% The County will process Ensure that Work First families <br /> Work First recertification no 95%Work First continue to receive assistance and <br /> later than the last day of the recertifications no later than benefits without unnecessary <br /> current recertification period. the last day of the current interruption. <br /> recertification period. <br /> TANF State Plan FFY 2016- <br /> 2019 <br /> NCGS 108A-31 <br /> Page 8 of 14 <br />