Orange County NC Website
BOCCDraft 11 -22 -04 12 <br />Prepared by and return to: Geoffrey E. Gledhill Coleman, Gledhill, Hargrave and Peek; <br />P.O. Drawer 1529; Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF ORANGE <br />WARRANTY DEED CONVEYING <br />AGRICULTURAL AND WATERSHED PROTECTION <br />CONSERVATION EASEMENT <br />This Deed of Agricultural and Watershed Protection Conservation Easement <br />( "Conservation Easement ") is granted on this _ day of 200_, by JOHN D. <br />LLOYD and wife CAROLYN LLOYD, having an address of 6303 Teer Road, Mebane, NC <br />27302 (referred to as "Grantors "), to ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, having an <br />address of Post Office Box 8181, Hillsborough, NC 27278, and ORANGE WATER AND <br />SEWER AUTHORITY, having an address of 400 Jones Ferry Road, Carrboro, NC 27510, (both <br />together referred to herein as "Grantee ") <br />►.i�I <br />Grantors are the sole owners in fee simple, of certain farm Property, more particularly <br />described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property"), which consists <br />of approximately 118 acres of land, located in Bingham Township, Orange County, North <br />Carolina and identified as "Tract 1" and "Tract 2" on the plat of the Property titled..., prepared <br />by..., which plat is recorded at Plat Book , Page , Orange County Registry (a part of <br />property having the Orange County PINs 9820 -87 -4081 and 9820 -78- 6646). The Property <br />includes buildings and other improvements. <br />The Property consists primarily of productive agricultural and forestland. The majority of <br />the soils on the Property have been classified as "prime" or "statewide important" soils by the <br />Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture, (also referred <br />to as "NRCS" or "the United States. ") The Property is bounded on one side by Toms Creek and a <br />second, unnamed stream, both of which are tributaries to the Cane Creek Reservoir, a public <br />drinking water supply reservoir serving Orange County, North Carolina, The Property is within <br />the critical area of the Cane Creek Protected Watershed. <br />