Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Overview of Proposed CMAQ Project <br />The proposed project would include a 125-space park and ride lot with transit shelter <br />combined with new transit service to facilitate non-automobile travel and reduce <br />automobile traffic in downtown Hillsborough. The park & ride lot would provide a place <br />for people from outside the Metropolitan Area Boundary to access transit services, and <br />would also provide a place where carpools and vanpools can meet. <br />Project Description <br />Park & Ride Lot. Transportation Center <br />The proposed location of the park & ride lot transportation center is a 20-acre county- <br />owned parcel, which will be the site of a new Durham Tech satellite campus, located in <br />Waterstone, a 337-acre mixed use development currently under construction in south <br />Hillsborough, off the east side of Old NC 86 near Interstate 40, The Durham Tech <br />satellite campus is scheduled to open fall of 2006. Waterstone, anticipated to be <br />completed in 2014, will contain 134 single-family houses, 128 townhome/patio homes <br />(part affordable housing), 271 apartments, a day care, a hotel with restaurant, the <br />previously mentioned 20-acre community college site, a continuing care retirement <br />center (280 units at different care levels), a 3-acre civic-use site, 450,000 square feet of <br />retail space, 408,000 square feet mixed use, and 150,000 square feet of office space, <br />The 20-acre Durham Tech site is adequate to house the proposed 40,000 square-foot <br />community college structure with parking and the proposed 125-space park & ride lot <br />and transit shelter, Durham Tech officials have indicated their approval of siting a park <br />and ride lot on the campus. The park & ride lot will also provide parking for students <br />attending evening classes at the Durham Tech satellite campus. The majority of <br />students are evening students so the proposed park and ride lot will allow Durham Tech <br />to provide a smaller parking area needed far daytime students. <br />As a part of this application, Orange County proposes to install a transit shelter at the <br />justice complex as well as at the park and ride lot. The estimated cost of the park and <br />ride lot and transit shelters is $135,676, <br />This location will provide a convenient place for county residents, particularly those <br />having business at the county justice complex, to access transit to downtown <br />Hillsborough, Expansion of the justice facility, scheduled for completion in 2006, will <br />eliminate some of the 100 (approximate) parking lot spaces, which are currently not <br />enough to accommodate court traffic. Clients currently park off the paved surface in <br />areas not designated for parking as well as along both sides of the street in front of the <br />courthouse, <br />The Clerk of Court and Senior Assistant estimate that approximately 80,000 people per <br />year attend Orange County Superior Court, which, on a busy day, has 400 cases on the <br />docket, That figure does not include people attending civil court, child support court, <br />juvenile court, criminal Superior Court, nor selection of jurors. Court has a morning <br />session and an afternoon session, with different "set" of clients attending each session, <br />