Orange County NC Website
3 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Should NCDOT award the grant for the Orange Public Transportation Intra- <br />Hillsborough route, the County would be required to provide a local funding match. With regard to <br />capital costs, the required match equates to 20 percent of total grant related capital expenditures. <br />For annual operating costs, there would be a required County match ranging from 25 percent in the <br />first year of the grant to 75 percent in the third year of the grant. It is important to note that after <br />year 3 of the grant, the County would assume 100 percent of operating costs of the proposed route. <br />Annual operating costs are estimated tc be $198,000. As noted in the Background section above, <br />there is a passibility that a portion of the County's local match could be met by ownership or <br />operation of land, facilities or other physical assets. Local funding requirements would be included <br />in future County budgets. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that: <br />The Board approve the Resolution Conceptually Endorsing Application for Congestion <br />Mitigation and Air Quality Funds for a Park and Ride Facility and Intra-Hillsborough Transit <br />Route, and direct staff to proceed with submittal to the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization, and to <br />enable Staff to proceed forward far further evaluation and feedback on the proposal from <br />aforesaid local agencies and other County departments; and <br />Orange County requests the Town of Hillsborough to commit continued participation in the local <br />match for operating assistance for the Intra-Hillsborough transit route. <br />