Orange County NC Website
11 <br />Break-Down of Costs per Federal and Local Shares <br />Pro osed: CMAQ Grant Local Match <br />125-s ace Park & Ride Lot $ 90,549 $ 22,637 $113,186 <br />Bic cle Racks for 4 transit buses $ 2,720 $ 680 $ 3,400 <br />Transit Shelters (2 locations) <br />Installation of Transit Shelters $ 17,992 $ 4,498 <br />$ 22,490 <br />O erations for New Transit Service $297,000 $297,000 $ 594,000 <br /> $408,261 $324,815 $ 733,076 <br />Proiect Costs per Year <br /> CMAQ Local Total <br />2006 $259,761 $ 77,315 $337,076 <br />2007 $ 99,000 $ 99,000 $198,000 <br />2008 $ 49,500 $148,000 $198,000 <br />Proiect Benefits <br />The project will remove an estimated 125 cars daily from downtown Hillsborough, <br />resulting in daily emission reductions of 416,000 kg oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and <br />574,000 kg of volatile organic compounds (VOC). <br />Orange County anticipates that ridership on the proposed service will greatly increase <br />OPT overall ridership, Based on historical ridership for medical/nutrition trips, OPT <br />anticipates an average daily ridership of 24, not including ridership from the proposed <br />park & ride to the justice facility. <br />The transportation center will also provide a convenient stop/transfer point for current <br />OPT service between Hillsborough and Chapel Hill. The park & ride lot will also provide <br />parking for students attending evening classes at the Durham Tech satellite campus. <br />The majority of students are evening students so the proposed park and ride lot will <br />allow Durham Tech to provide a smaller parking area needed for daytime students, <br />This project is supported by the Town of Hillsborough, which has expressed willingness <br />to participate in the match requirement and developing a marketing campaign for the <br />new transit service in the attached Resolution in Support of Orange County's Grant <br />Application for Congestion Management/Air Quality Grant for an In-Town Transit Route. <br />