Orange County NC Website
10 <br />The transportation center will also provide a convenient stop/transfer point for current <br />OPT service between Hillsborough and Chapel Hill. <br />The park & ride lot should qualify for partial CMAQ funding through the RPO, as it will <br />provide anon-single occupancy vehicle transportation choice for traffic coming into the <br />urban area from rural areas of the county. The method for determining potential <br />funding through the RPO CMAQ allocation has not yet been determined. <br />New Transit Service <br />Proposed new OPT service would connect the transportation center with the county <br />justice facility/government services complex, Hillsborough government services, <br />residential areas, shopping and employment centers. The service would operate <br />Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m, to 9:00 p..m. at 30-minute intervals during <br />peak hours (8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p,m.) and 60-minute intervals during non-peak hours. <br />The estimated yearly operation cost of the service is $198,000. The figure is based on <br />hours of operation (for one bus during non-peak hours and two buses during peak hour) <br />times the hourly operating cost of $37,39 as provided in the Five Year Financial Plan of <br />the recently completed Community Transportation Improvement Plan. The service will <br />use ADA-equipped 20 or 18 passenger buses, OPT will not need any additional buses <br />to provide the service as the buses will be acquired in 2006 according to the OPT Five <br />Year Capital Plan replacement schedule. <br />Bicycle Racks for OPT Buses <br />As a part of this application, Orange County would like to provide bicycle racks on four <br />of OPT's minibuses, The cost per rack is $850,00. Buses provided with bicycle racks <br />will allow greater modal choice at transit destinations, and enhance transit and bicycling <br />as viable alternatives to single occupancy vehicles. <br />Projected Costs <br />Costs Estimates of Transit Center and Intra-Hillsborough Service <br />125-s ace Park & Ride Lot See attached memo $113,186 <br />Bic cle Racks for 4 transit buses 4 racks $850.00 each $ 3,400 <br />Transit Shelters (2 locations) <br />Installation of Transit Shelters 2 6'X18' shelters @ $6,245 <br />$10,000 a rox. <br />$ 22,490 <br />O erations for New Transit Service $198,000 er ear for 3 ears $ 594,000 <br />Total Pro'ect Cost $ 733,076 <br />Cost for Total Pro'ect Re uest <br />Pro osed Item 2006 2007 2008 <br />Park & Ride Lot $113,186 <br />Transit Shelters $ 22,490 <br />Bic cle Racks $ 3,400 <br />Transit O erations $198,000 $198,000 $198,000 <br />Total: $337,076 $198,000 $198,000 <br />