Agenda - 12-14-2004-5q
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-14-2004
Agenda - 12-14-2004-5q
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8/29/2008 2:20:13 PM
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8/29/2008 10:27:19 AM
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Minutes - 20041214
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ORANGE COUNTY <br />HILLSBOROUGH <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />J~ana9er-'r ~f~ce <br />Apri1.30, 2004 <br />Ms. Andi Curtis <br />Public Affairs Manager <br />Time Warner Cable -Raleigh Division <br />101 Innovation Ave., Suite 100 <br />Morrisville, NC 27560 <br />Dear Ms. Curtis: <br />~Jla6G;~edizsz <br />I am writing you in follow-up to conversations between you and other TimeWamer <br />representatives and a member of my staff, Assistant to the County Manager Greg Wilder. It <br />is my understanding that Mr, Wilder has been in contact with you and other TimeWamer <br />representatives on multiple occasions inquiring about the provision of cable television <br />service to the Government Services Center (GSC) building in Hillsborough.. Mr. Wilder as <br />well as members of the County's Public Works Department have also met with TimeWazner <br />field personnel to discuss this service, <br />It has come to my attention that you have verbally informed Mr. Wilder that the initial <br />installation of the service to the GSC would cost $4,000. Mr, Wilder has requested this cast <br />information and justification in writing on two occasions, but has not yet received a response. <br />This information would be helpful as we discuss this matter further, <br />I should note to you that our desire for this service relates to inclement weather and <br />emergency management responsibilities within my office. As the lead governmental entity <br />in Orange County whose responsibility it is to direct and manage local government response <br />to residents' needs in the emergency conditions, I believe that it is worthwhile to have access <br />to the best information available, Cable television service would provide access to current <br />and forecasted weather conditions, the status of any life-threatening situations and/or <br />damages, and other relevant news and weather related information. Since my office is not <br />located in the County's Emergency Operations Center, I do not currently have this access. It <br />is my hope that this access can be provided through cable television service in the near future. <br />I would appreciate you reviewing this matter and responding in writing to both me and Mr. <br />Wilder. <br />Jolm M. Link, Jr. <br />Orange County Manager <br />cc: Gwen Harvey, Assistant County Manager <br />/ i '(~i~M~ '.~.J <br />is <br />AREA CODE (919) 245-2300 688-7331 FAX (919) 644-3004 <br />Ext. 2300 <br />
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