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DocuSign Envelope ID:234B0168-7DD8-4F95-A2D1-25D37F4A4C22 <br /> 22. EXTERIOR SIGNS. Tenant shall place no signs upon the outside walls or roof of the <br /> Building except with the express written consent of the Landlord. Any and all signs placed on the <br /> Building or the Premises by Tenant shall be maintained in compliance with governmental rules and <br /> regulations governing such signs and Tenant shall be responsible to Landlord for any damage caused by <br /> installation,use or maintenance of said signs, and all damages incident to removal thereof. <br /> 23. LANDLORD'S ENTRY OF PREMISES. Landlord may advertise the Premises"For Rent" <br /> or"For Sale" sixty (60) days prior to the expiration or any termination of the Term. Landlord may enter <br /> the Premises at reasonable hours to exhibit same to prospective purchasers or tenants and to make repairs <br /> required of Landlord under the terms hereof, or to make repairs to Landlord's adjoining property, if any. <br /> Landlord may enter upon the Premises, at any time, when and as reasonably necessary to repair or <br /> mitigate any emergency situation. <br /> 24. EFFECT OF TERMINATION OF LEASE. No termination of this Lease prior to the <br /> expiration of the Term, as stated herein, regardless of the reason for such termination, shall impair or <br /> affect Landlord's right to collect rent, additional rent and/or any other charge that may be due and owing <br /> by Tenant to Landlord, as provided herein, for any period prior to such termination. <br /> 25. MORTGAGEE'S RIGHTS. Tenant's rights under this Lease shall be subject and <br /> subordinate to any bona fide mortgage, deed of trust or other security interest which now encumbers or <br /> may hereafter encumber the Premises or any building in which the Premises are located. Tenant shall, if <br /> requested by Landlord, execute a separate agreement reflecting such subordination, and shall be obligated <br /> to execute such documentation as may facilitate Landlord's sale or refinancing of the Premises, including, <br /> but not limited to, estoppel certificates, subordination and/or attornment agreements. <br /> 26. QUIET ENJOYMENT. So long as Tenant observes, abides by and performs all of the <br /> terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Lease, Tenant shall, at all times during the Term, <br /> peacefully and quietly have and enjoy possession of the Premises, but always subject to all such terms, <br /> covenants and conditions. In the event Landlord shall sell or otherwise transfer its interest in the <br /> Premises, Tenant agrees to attorn to any new owner or interest holder and shall, if requested by Landlord, <br /> execute a separate agreement reflecting such attornment; provided, however, that such agreement shall <br /> require that the new owner or interest holder recognize its obligations and Tenant's rights under this <br /> Lease. <br /> 27. HOLDING OVER. In the event Tenant shall remain in possession of the Premises after the <br /> expiration or any earlier termination of the Term with Landlord's acquiescence and without any express <br /> agreement of the parties, (a) Tenant shall be a tenant at will, (b) commencing on the day following the <br /> date of such expiration or termination, Tenant shall pay to Landlord monthly rent at in an amount equal to <br /> the amount of the monthly installment of annual rent in effect on the date of such expiration or <br /> termination for each month, or fraction thereof, during which Tenant remains in possession of the <br /> Premises, and (c) there shall be no renewal or extension of the Term by operation of law. In the event <br /> Tenant shall remain in possession of the Premises after the expiration or any earlier termination of the <br /> Term without Landlord's acquiescence, (i) Tenant shall be a tenant at sufferance, and(ii) commencing on <br /> the day following the date of such expiration or termination, Tenant shall pay to Landlord monthly rent in <br /> an amount equal to the twice the amount of the monthly installment of annual rent in effect on the date of <br /> such expiration or termination for each month, or fraction thereof, during which Tenant remains in <br /> possession of the Premises. <br /> 7 <br />