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2 <br /> The 26.2 acre site is located in the Town's "Transition Area II," as identified in the Joint <br /> Planning Land Use Plan. Although the JPA states that development in the Transition <br /> Area II cannot exceed 1 housing unit per gross acre until at least 75% of the gross land <br /> area of Transition Area I meet certain development thresholds, there is additional <br /> language that exempts the "floating zones" from this requirement. Transition Area I is <br /> very close to meeting the 75% requirement; Town staff was unable to provide the exact <br /> percentage in time for inclusion in this memo. <br /> The Town of Carrboro sponsored facilitated workshops in 2011 to specifically address <br /> the site in question. The results of the workshop are contained in a report: Northern <br /> Study Area-Eubanks Site Facilitated Workshops. As a result of the workshops, the <br /> Town, in 2016, adopted a new zoning district, FLX (Site Specific, Flexible), that applies <br /> primarily to the Northern Study Area. The Town's Land Use Ordinance contains many <br /> requirements for the FLX district. Town staff has indicated that the process for the FLX <br /> district is an iterative process, with this particular project's process beginning in 2011 <br /> with the workshops. In February 2017, the Board of Aldermen approved a request by <br /> the developer to submit a petition for change of zoning to FLX. <br /> At its February 26, 2019 meeting, the Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution <br /> approving the following schedule for this project: <br /> 1. Present formal application: preliminary ordinance/master plan - February 26, <br /> 2019 <br /> 2. Joint Advisory Board Review - March 7, 2019 <br /> 3. Public Input/drop in Session? <br /> 4. Revisions (mid-March to mid-April) <br /> 5. Submittal of TIA/Stormwater Analysis (early April) <br /> 6. Board of Aldermen Request to Set Public Hearing - April 17, 2019 <br /> 7. Public Input/drop-in Session? <br /> 8. Revisions (mid-April to mid-May) <br /> 9. Joint Advisory Board Review - May 2, 2019 <br /> 10.Board of Aldermen Consideration of Annexation Request - May/June 2019 <br /> 11.Board of Aldermen Public Hearing on FLX ordinance & rezoning - May/June <br /> 2019 <br /> The process for rezoning to a FLX district begins with a Town-sponsored site specific <br /> planning study (community charrette; conducted in 2011 in this case) for the subject <br /> property and continues with the preparation of an ordinance and master plan that <br /> outlines all of the standards applicable to the district. The intention is that the ordinance <br /> would implement the outcomes of the site specific study. The site specific ordinance <br /> establishes the regulations for development based on the planning study, with input <br /> from an applicant, advisory boards, and members of the public at key intervals. <br /> On March 7, 2019, the Town's advisory boards, including the Northern Transition Area <br /> Advisory Committee, reviewed the proposed master plan and accompanying site- <br /> specific development regulations and provided initial feedback. The materials from the <br /> joint advisory board meeting contain the application and the draft ordinance which <br /> consists of 16 pages of site-specific standards. The preliminary Master Plan map is <br /> included at the end of this memo. The basic facts of the proposal, taken from the <br /> application, are: <br /> 2 <br />