Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 03/22/19 <br /> Date Revised: 03/27/19 <br /> BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions <br /> (Individuals with a*by their name are the lead facilitators for the group of individuals responsible for an item) <br /> Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br /> Date Date Responsible <br /> 3/19/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that 4/16/2019 ChairNice DONE <br /> the County Attorney provide follow-up information to the Chair/Manager <br /> Board on noise and nuisance provisions related to the John Roberts <br /> shooting of guns 011 <br /> 3/19/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price 5/2/2019 Nancy Coston To be reviewed and considered <br /> provide an update to the Board on the status of foster <br /> children services <br /> 3/19/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Dorosin that 4/1/2019 Bonnie DONE <br /> the Board receive an update on activities related to the Eno Hammersley Provided at the meeting by the <br /> Economic Development District since the Board's retreat Manager <br /> discussion <br /> 3/19/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Rich that 6/1/2019 Todd McGee Will be a FY 2019-20 Budget <br /> staff move forward with planning a radio event similar to consideration <br /> the Economic Development Summit radio event that <br /> occurred in 2018 <br /> 3/19/19 Incorporate revisions as discussed by the Board to the 4/16/2019 Sherrill Hampton Revisions to be incorporated and <br /> Affordable Housing Bond Program and bring the item back item brought back <br /> to the Board for approval as a Consent item <br />