Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Orange County,North Carolina <br /> Standard Operating Procedures Internal Controls for Check Printing at the Orange County <br /> Detention Center <br /> Purpose To ensure that check printing in the Orange County Detention Center (OCDC) has <br /> strong internal controls to safeguard misappropriation. <br /> Procedures <br /> 1. Only members of the OCDC employed by the Orange County Sheriffs Office who are duly <br /> authorized and appointed as deputy treasury officers pursuant to North Carolina General <br /> Statutes § 159-28(d1) shall have access to the Oasis system usernames and passwords to <br /> issue and print checks to inmates leaving the OCDC. For each shift, the Sheriff or the Chief <br /> Deputy will provide written designation of the Check Request Approvers and the Check <br /> Issuer/Signers. Any changes to these designations must be signed and approved by the <br /> Sheriff or the Chief Deputy. <br /> a. Strong system access controls will be implemented to further secure access. <br /> b. The Lockdown Software Manual provides instructions for creation of user logins, <br /> passwords, security settings, and individual privileges. Seepages 54-56. <br /> c. Any check stock held by the OCDC shall be safeguarded and secured in a safe, <br /> independent of the authorized signer. Best practices provide that a <br /> secured/confined area be utilized. <br /> 2. All deputy treasury officers involved in the check writing process will be appropriately <br /> bonded. <br /> 3. Deputy treasury officers shall thoroughly review documentation supporting the issuance of <br /> the check prior to check writing. <br /> a. The treasury officers will divide the duties of Check Issuer/Signer and the initiator or <br /> preparer of the check. <br /> b. The Check Request Approver,who must be independent from the person preparing <br /> or requesting the check request, must sign the Check Request Form and document <br /> that approval was obtained before checks are presented for being signed by the <br /> Check Issuer/Signer. <br /> i. The Check Request Approver reviews supporting documentation from Oasis <br /> ledger inmate balances and signs the Check Request Form. The Check <br /> Request Approver ensures that the Oasis source documents of inmate <br /> balances match the requested amount on the Check Request Form. <br /> c. The Check Issuer/Signer reviews the Check Request Form and signs it before <br /> issuing the check to the inmate. <br /> d. The Lockdown Software Manual provides instructions for deputy treasury officers to <br /> follow when issuing checks. Seepage 14. <br /> GD/jg Issue Date: April 3, 2019 Sheriffs Office <br />