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17 <br /> 1 Commissioner Greene asked if there was an example of a project not receiving these <br /> 2 points. <br /> 3 Commissioner Dorosin said if it is a single lot built in the county and needs a private <br /> 4 well. <br /> 5 Commissioner Greene asked if it this was acceptable, and that type of project would <br /> 6 have a hard time meeting many of the other requirements. <br /> 7 Sherrill Hampton said a project would need to prove that the size or capacity of the <br /> 8 system is adequate to support the development, which would involve talking to environmental <br /> 9 organizations and the State. <br /> 10 Commissioner Greene said that makes sense, but she thinks one would have to prove <br /> 11 that any way and is unsure that points should be awarded. <br /> 12 Bonnie Hammersley said she recalled that this came up in discussions about <br /> 13 affordable housing being more in urban areas and not rural, and this was added to account for <br /> 14 that. <br /> 15 Commissioner Greene referred to section H-1, which states, "the experience of the <br /> 16 applicant in carrying out projects of comparable scope and nature," and H-2, which states, <br /> 17 "applicant has proposed a team with demonstrated development, managerial and financial <br /> 18 management capabilities in prior projects," and asked what might happen if an applicant is a <br /> 19 church or a community center that is proposing a cluster of small houses or tiny homes. She <br /> 20 said that applicant may have no prior experience, but may bring in partners with such <br /> 21 experience. She suggested those points should be equal at 10 or possibly 5. <br /> 22 Sherrill Hampton said normally an applicant with some experience will carry a weighted <br /> 23 score, but the weight can be changed. She said if the applicant does not have direct <br /> 24 experience, but their team or partners do this would be of equal value if the point assignments <br /> 25 were the same amount. <br /> 26 Commissioner Greene said she would change H-3 to, "the applicant and team <br /> 27 members collectively have a successful record of meeting proposed budgets and timetables." <br /> 28 The Board agreed by consensus. <br /> 29 Commissioner Price said she agreed. <br /> 30 Commissioner Price referred to transit, and said she would caution limiting projects to <br /> 31 where transit is now as staff can work together to create new, or adjust existing, bus routes as <br /> 32 development appears. <br /> 33 Commissioner Dorosin echoed Commissioner Greene's point of transit being <br /> 34 environmental, but he would like them to be separate. He said the other environmental <br /> 35 impacts are worth highlighting, and he would not want people to get points twice. <br /> 36 Commissioner Dorosin said this is a good revision. <br /> 37 Chair Rich referred to the extensions, and asked if there is a limit to the number of <br /> 38 times one can come for an extension. <br /> 39 Sherrill Hampton said if it is three years, there can be a one-year extension, and it is 5 <br /> 40 years, there can be a one-year extension. <br /> 41 Sherrill Hampton referred to Commissioner Greene's points about experience, and said <br /> 42 experience is really the key and she would hate to cut H-1 to just 5 points. She asked if it <br /> 43 would be acceptable to keep H-1 at 10 points, and increase H-2 up to 10 points. She said <br /> 44 experience is key to the success of the projects. <br /> 45 Chair Rich said a lot of changes were made, and asked if the Board was comfortable <br /> 46 voting tonight. <br /> 47 Commissioner Dorosin suggested bringing it back as a consent agenda item so that <br /> 48 the Board can see it one more time. <br /> 49 The Board agreed by consensus. <br /> 50 Sherrill Hampton said she would like to add in the suggestions about the monitoring, <br /> 51 with there being interval monitoring every 5 years, after the completion of the project. <br />