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16 <br /> 1 the projects. She said, otherwise, there has been no monitoring of these projects, and she <br /> 2 and her team are trying to put such checks in place. <br /> 3 Commissioner Marcoplos referred to the transportation category and the point value <br /> 4 assignments, and asked if it would be worth assigning more points to those projects that <br /> 5 provide transportation to residents. <br /> 6 Sherrill Hampton said it could be, and that is at the pleasure of the Board. She said <br /> 7 staff likes to work with the transportation department to see how projects coincide with <br /> 8 available public transportation. She said it is important to look at the totality of the <br /> 9 transportation needs (bus, on demand, etc.), and how the County can meet those needs. <br /> 10 Commissioner Marcoplos said if a development has its own transportation, then the on <br /> 11 demand services may not be necessary. <br /> 12 Commissioner Greene said she wants to know how serious the Board is about <br /> 13 investing in new affordable housing that is transit accessible, as transit costs are a huge <br /> 14 burden to many people. She said she would like the Board to think about only investing in <br /> 15 new projects that have access to transit/transportation, and she proposed that#5 in section E <br /> 16 say, "the project is located in the area of the County traditionally underserved by housing <br /> 17 development, and if it is a new development, has proximate access to transportation, whether <br /> 18 public or provided by the new development." <br /> 19 Commissioner Dorosin said there are some challenges here, and asked if that would <br /> 20 mean that affordable housing is only built where there is access to transportation. He said the <br /> 21 Board would need to be clear as to what it meant, and just because a development provides a <br /> 22 van does not mean it offers on-demand service. He said it would be good to have more <br /> 23 discussion about the point Commissioner Greene is making, and at some point the cost of <br /> 24 building housing in areas traditionally underserved by housing development is going to be <br /> 25 significantly cheaper than building it in Chapel Hill or Carrboro. He asked if there is a way to <br /> 26 factor in the transit costs, whatever type it may be, to do that. <br /> 27 Commissioner Greene said it would not be cheaper to build in the County, and then <br /> 28 have to drive into the towns to work. <br /> 29 Commissioner Dorosin said it might be comparable, and if the desire is to disperse <br /> 30 some of the housing throughout the County, then it is a consideration. He referred to #5 in <br /> 31 section E, and said the wording "traditionally underserved by housing development' is fairly <br /> 32 ambiguous, and he would like to see more specificity. <br /> 33 Commissioner Dorosin referred to the question of the non-profit and for-profit, and said <br /> 34 he appreciated adding the points for the non-profits, but the points that go to a project that <br /> 35 repays the funds and pays property taxes should be at least equal. He said right now a <br /> 36 developer would get 12 points, and a non-profit would get 15 points. <br /> 37 Sherrill Hampton said both should be 12, and staff will correct this. <br /> 38 Commissioner Dorosin said the change in the number of units is good. <br /> 39 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there is a timeline for implementation and putting out <br /> 40 the request for proposals (RFP) and the next round of money. <br /> 41 Sherrill Hampton said the second phase of$2.5 million will be put out between August <br /> 42 and September, and she said these will be brought to the BOCC by December, with letters <br /> 43 going out in time to sync with an applications being made for low income housing tax credits. <br /> 44 Commissioner Greene said transit is an environmental issue, and asked if item D-4 <br /> 45 could include access to transit as an environmental impact. She said D-5 refers to projects <br /> 46 that are connected to a water and sewer community, and asked if the Board would ever <br /> 47 support a project that did not meet these criteria. <br /> 48 Sherrill Hampton said the board had this in the original plan, and she did not want to <br /> 49 delete it. <br /> 50 Commissioner Greene said this seems to be a given. <br /> 51 Sherrill Hampton agreed. <br />