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15 <br /> 1 proposed project has less than five (5) units, it must utilize other appropriate County <br /> 2 funding sources. <br /> 3 Establish maximum grant periods for Affordable Housing Bond-funded and Surplus <br /> 4 Property projects: <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Affordable Housing Bond Projects <br /> 7 For projects of 5-10 units that involve acquisition only, acquisition/rehab or any <br /> 8 combination of eligible activity type, the grant period will be established at the time of <br /> 9 the grant award based on the details of the project but should be no more than three <br /> 10 (3) years. For projects of more than 10 units that involve any combination of eligible <br /> 11 activity type, the grant period will be established at the time of the grant award based <br /> 12 on the details of the project but should be no more than five (5) years. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Surplus Property Projects <br /> 15 For projects of 1-4 units that do not involve new construction activity, the grant period <br /> 16 will be established at the time of the grant award based on the details of the project but <br /> 17 should be no more than one (1) year. For projects of 5-10 units that involve new <br /> 18 construction or rehabilitation, the grant period will be established at the time of the <br /> 19 grant award based on the details of the project but should be no more than three (3) <br /> 20 years. <br /> 21 Implement a quarterly reporting requirement for all Affordable Housing Bond-funded <br /> 22 and Surplus Property projects. <br /> 23 Note that all requests for grant period extensions and/or needed re-authorizations or <br /> 24 grant award rescissions will require approval by the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Sherrill Hampton said quarterly reporting is required to keep staff and the Board <br /> 27 updated on progress, and to also keep a better handle on all the efforts being made towards <br /> 28 affordable housing, and a move towards greater coordination of those efforts. <br /> 29 Sherrill Hampton said staff held a community grantee and partners' workshop in <br /> 30 November 2018, and these changes were presented then, as well as before the Coalition and <br /> 31 the Orange County Housing Authority, which allowed staff to gather input and continue to <br /> 32 make adjustments. She said staff plans to hold a developers roundtable in the future, in hopes <br /> 33 to spur more developers to consider affordable housing. <br /> 34 Sherrill Hampton said this is a living breathing process, and staff will continue to come <br /> 35 back before the Board. <br /> 36 Commissioner McKee referred to the adjustments made on the point scoring system to <br /> 37 make a more level field for non-profits and developers, and asked if there has been much <br /> 38 interest from the private sector. <br /> 39 Sherrill Hampton said not at this point, but she hopes to encourage this. <br /> 40 Commissioner McKee said it is important to find a way to attract the private developers. <br /> 41 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there is a process by which staff verifies that these <br /> 42 projects are doing what they have said they will do. <br /> 43 Sherrill Hampton said when projects get funding they carry affordability restrictions <br /> 44 throughout the life of the project. <br /> 45 Commissioner Marcoplos said he was thinking about things like the energy efficiency <br /> 46 requirements and handicap accessibility. He asked if staff will go back and double check that <br /> 47 these things were done. <br /> 48 Sherrill Hampton said staff monitors the development and construction of these <br /> 49 projects, and the development agreement can include periodic updates after the completion of <br />