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7 <br /> 1 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 2 <br /> 3 b. North Carolina Community Transportation Program Administrative and Capital <br /> 4 Grant Applications for FY 2020 <br /> 5 The Board considered holding a public hearing to conduct a public hearing to receive <br /> 6 public comments on the North Carolina Community Transportation Program (CTP) grant <br /> 7 application by Orange County Public Transportation (OPT) for FY 2020; <br /> 8 Theo Letman presented this item: <br /> 9 <br /> 10 BACKGROUND: Each year, the NCDOT Public Transportation Division accepts requests for <br /> 11 administrative and capital needs for county-operated community transportation programs. OPT <br /> 12 is eligible to make application for both administrative and capital funding. The total CTP <br /> 13 funding request for FY 2020 is $175,506 for community transportation administrative <br /> 14 expenses. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Grant funds for administrative purposes will continue to be used to support overall transit <br /> 17 systems management and will continue to promote general ridership. Administrative Grant <br /> 18 funds include a percentage of wages and benefits for the following positions: Transit Director <br /> 19 (60%); Transportation Administrator (60%); Business Officer 1 (60%); and Transit Dispatcher/ <br /> 20 Scheduler (40%). <br /> 21 <br /> 22 A public hearing provides the opportunity for public discussion and comment before the Board <br /> 23 takes action on the resolution (Attachment 1). The acceptance of these grant funds requires <br /> 24 compliance with the annual certifications and assurances, for which the signature pages are <br /> 25 attached. (Note: The attached signature pages are for the certifications and assurances for FY <br /> 26 2018 as an example. The FY 2019 certifications and assurances signature pages are very <br /> 27 similar to those for FY 2018. However, the County has not yet received those documents from <br /> 28 NCDOT. When received, they will be forwarded to the County Attorney and Chair for review <br /> 29 and signatures.) <br /> 30 <br /> 31 FINANCIAL IMPACT: The NCDOT CTP FY 2020 grant requires a 15% local match ($26,326) <br /> 32 for administrative expenses. The indicated local match amounts for FY 2020 will be requested <br /> 33 in the upcoming FY 2020 budget cycle and must be committed from Orange County's budget <br /> 34 for the performance period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, as indicated in the attached <br /> 35 Local Share Certification for Funding form. This will require Orange County to obligate funding <br /> 36 in its next budget cycle for expenses. A total of$26,326 would come from the County's general <br /> 37 operating budget. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 A motion was made by Commissioner Marcoplos, seconded by Commissioner McKee <br /> 40 to open the Public Hearing. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 43 <br /> 44 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 45 NONE <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Commissioner Dorosin asked if this grant prohibits applying for capital funding. <br /> 48 Theo Letman said there were no capital funds allocated for this year. <br /> 49 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there will potentially be capital funds in other grants. <br /> 50 Theo Letman said there is another capital grant program that the North Carolina <br /> 51 Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is going to implement for all its replacement vehicles, <br />