Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> 1 • Dr. Laurie Smith to the Town of Chapel Hill position #3 for a Second Full Term ending <br /> 2 03/31/2022 <br /> 3 • Bonnie Hauser to the At-Large position #9 to a First Full Term ending 03/31/2022 <br /> 4 • Jean Austin to the At-Large Unincorporated County position #12 to a Second Full Term <br /> 5 ending 03/31/2022 <br /> 6 • Amanda Schwoerke to the Animal Services Board Member position #18 for a Second <br /> 7 Full Term ending 03/31/2022 <br /> 8 <br /> 9 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 10 <br /> 11 A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Bedford to <br /> 12 appoint: <br /> 13 • Alan Pollack to position #11 <br /> 14 • Meggie Romack for# 8 (designated for public safety, but can be filled since position <br /> 15 has been open for a year) <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Commissioner Marcoplos asked to amend the motion and appoint Alan Pollack for#8 <br /> 18 and Meggie Romack for#11 (At Large), since Alan Pollack is a certified search and rescue <br /> 19 dog handler. <br /> 20 Commissioner Dorosin and Commissioner Bedford accepted the amendment. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 23 <br /> 24 5. Public Hearings <br /> 25 <br /> 26 a. NCDOT Public Transportation Division/Public Transportation —5307 Program <br /> 27 Grant Applications for FY 2020 <br /> 28 The Board considered holding a public hearing to approve the Small and Large Urban <br /> 29 5307 Grant application for FY 2020 in the total amount of$1,069,154 with a local match total <br /> 30 of$534,577 to be provided when necessary. <br /> 31 Theo Letman, Transit Director, presented this item: <br /> 32 <br /> 33 BACKGROUND: <br /> 34 Each year, the NCDOT Public Transportation Division accepts requests for operations and <br /> 35 capital needs for county-operated community transportation programs. OCPT is eligible to <br /> 36 make application for both operations and capital funding. The FY 2020 application includes <br /> 37 funding allocations from prior year apportionments that had not been applied for. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 NCDOT is allowing the FY 2020 application to include the total funds unapplied for as outlined <br /> 40 in the table below: <br /> 41 <br /> Small Urban: FY's 2015 & 2017 Large Urban: FY's 2016 & 2017 <br /> Total $ 674,378 Total $ 394,776 <br /> Federal $ 337,189 Federal $ 197,388 <br /> Local $ 337,189 Local $ 197,388 <br /> 42 <br />