Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> 1 Attachment 2 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 DRAFT <br /> 4 MINUTES <br /> 5 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 6 WORK SESSION <br /> 7 March 12, 2019 <br /> 8 7:00 p.m. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, March <br /> 11 12, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, N.C. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Penny Rich and Commissioners <br /> 14 Jamezetta Bedford, Mark Dorosin, Sally Greene, Earl McKee, Mark Marcoplos and Renee <br /> 15 Price <br /> 16 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None <br /> 17 COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: John Roberts <br /> 18 COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Bonnie Hammersley, Deputy County <br /> 19 Manager Travis Myren, and Clerk to the Board Donna Baker (All other staff members will <br /> 20 be identified appropriately below) <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Chair Rich called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 1. County Commissioners: Boards and Commissions —Annual Work Plans/Reports <br /> 25 <br /> 26 External Boards (to which the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) appoints): <br /> 27 Carrboro Northern Transition —Anahid Vrana, Amy Jeroloman (Chair) and Deb Rich <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Amy Jerolman referenced new material at the Commissioners' places, and said she <br /> 30 would address this at the end of her presentation. <br /> 31 Amy Jeroloman reviewed the information below: <br /> 32 The primary purpose of the Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee (NTAAC) is to <br /> 33 review and make recommendations about development and planning concerns in the area of <br /> 34 Orange County under Carrboro's jurisdiction. The following annual report highlights the work of <br /> 35 the NTAAC from November 2017-November 2018. Please note that the NTAAC has not met <br /> 36 since November 2018 because there were no items brought to the committee for consideration. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 (1) Proposal for Light-Industrial Land Uses on Town-Owned Property at 7917 Old NC 86 <br /> 39 The rezoning and development of the Town owned property at 7917 Old NC 86 to light <br /> 40 Industrial would provide businesses with affordable and quality space to grow, positively <br /> 41 affecting our local economy. The NTAAC represents the interests of residents and adjacent <br /> 42 property owners of the Northern Area in these discussions. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Areas of interests include: <br /> 45 Traffic impacts on Old NC 86 and Twin Creeks Park entrance as well as mitigation <br /> 46 strategies <br /> 47 Impacts on adjacent properties with regards to noise, lighting, scenery and view <br /> 48 obstruction, water quality, buffers <br /> 49 Terms and definition of light-industrial in regards to the surrounding rural landscape <br /> 50 Consideration for multi-use paths, sidewalks, and greenhouses <br />