Agenda - 12-14-2004-5g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-14-2004
Agenda - 12-14-2004-5g
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Last modified
8/29/2008 2:21:15 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:27:12 AM
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Agenda Item
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2004 S Manager - CJPP 2004-2005 Service Continuation – Orange Chatham Alternative Sentiencing Inc
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
2004 S Manager - CJPP 2004-2005 Service Continuation – The Freedom House Recovery Center
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
2004 S Manager - CJPP 2004-2005 Service Continuation Project Turn Around
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2004
Minutes - 20041214
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2004
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a <br />CONTRACT BETWEEN <br />THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />AND <br />THE FREEDOM HOUSE RECOVERY CENTER <br />THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into the _ day of 2004, <br />between The County of Orange ("the County") and The Freedom House Recovery Center <br />("FH"). <br />WFIEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal .Justice Partnership <br />Program ("C.TPP") has awarded a North Carolina Depaztment of Correction Criminal <br />.Justice Partnership Program ("NCDOCC.IPP") grant to Orange and Chatham Counties, <br />North Carolina; and <br />WHEREAS, the aforementioned Counties desire to use some portion of the <br />NCDOCCJPP grant to contract with FH to provide Intensive Outpatient ("IOP") <br />treatment services for individuals in the intermediate punishment population in Orange <br />County and Chatham County; and <br />WHEREAS, FH desires to provide IOP treatment services using the nationally approved <br />course of study, "Living in Balance" as the basis of thew curriculum. <br />NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY agreed as follows: <br />This contract shall be effective for the period of.July 1, 2004 through .June 30, <br />2005. <br />IL FH agrees to provide IOP services to the C.1PP-eligible intermediate punishment <br />offender population in Orange County and Chatham County. <br />A. A C.1PP-eligible intermediate punishment offender is defined as an adult <br />offender convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony offense who received anon- <br />incazcerative sentence of an intermediate punislunent or who is serving a term <br />ofpost-release supervision after completing an active sentence of <br />imprisonment. <br />B. 15-B Department of Community Conections shall make an initial <br />determination as to whether an individual is eligible to participate in the C.1PP <br />program; Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime ("TASC") will assess <br />eligible individuals in order to determine the services needed by these <br />individuals and refer these individuals ("Clients") as appropriate to FH for its <br />IOP services. <br />C.. FH agrees to provide 9 hours of IOP services using the "Living in Balance" <br />course of study to each Client per week, with services being provided to <br />Clients in groups that meet three evenings per week, for a period of tluee <br />hours per group. Pazticipants will also be required to attend additional AA <br />and NA programs two other evenings a week Program length of stay will be <br />
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