Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> clean ............................................................................................................. <br /> Project Terms <br /> Fee Assumptions <br /> Estimated fees are based on the scope of work and assumptions as described in this proposal and are valid <br /> for 60 days. These estimates may be revised upward or downward based on final discussions of scope and <br /> deliverables between the Client and the Agency prior to contract execution. Assuming no deviations, the final <br /> invoice will be issued at or within +/- 10%of this estimate. <br /> Estimated fees are for Clean professional services only, unless otherwise noted. All outside costs and <br /> expenses will be separately estimated and billed at actual costs. No production or outside services will be <br /> contracted for the Client unless the services have been previously authorized by the Client. Examples of <br /> these outside costs could include photography, research, imagery, hosting, SEM/SEO charges, Agency <br /> travel, etc. These costs will be billed monthly as incurred, or as needed prior to contracting with outside <br /> parties. <br /> Outside purchases made on behalf of the Client will require advanced payment prior to the supplier <br /> engagement. <br /> Fees assume two rounds of revisions for each deliverable requiring Client review, feedback, and approvals. <br /> The Client will provide a single point of contact to provide review, feedback, and approvals. <br /> Final files become the property of the Client upon receipt of final payment of all outstanding invoices. Final <br /> files may include camera-ready output, negative film, reels, and press plates, where applicable. Electronic <br /> files of Client projects are also owned by the Client but will remain in the Agency's custody for the contract <br /> period. <br /> If a project is canceled, the Client is responsible for the greater of 50 percent of the estimated project cost or <br /> the total percentage of work completed. <br /> Billing Terms—Project Fees <br /> Over$10,000 <br /> Client engagements or projects exceeding $10,000 require a 50 percent deposit due upon receipt of invoice. <br /> Based on the original project timeline, the balance of the fees will be invoiced in equal installments at the <br /> beginning of each month and are due within 15 days of invoice. <br /> OTHER <br /> The client agrees to allow Clean to publicize the new relationship and overall project scope, including on its <br /> website, through social media and in external press releases, within 30 days of the new Client signing the <br /> contract. The client will be allowed to review and approve final press releases prior to release. <br /> This estimate is based on the information and activities detailed above. Deviations from the parameters <br /> specified in the description will be reflected in a proposal amendment and/or the final invoice, either of which <br /> may exceed the total amount of this proposal. <br /> a: 6601 Six Forks Road, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27615 p:919.544.2193 <br />