ORD-2015-004 (approved as ORD-2015-012) Ordinance Designating the Property Known As The White Cross School In Orange County, North Carolina As A Local Historic Landmark
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2015-004 (approved as ORD-2015-012) Ordinance Designating the Property Known As The White Cross School In Orange County, North Carolina As A Local Historic Landmark
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Last modified
3/14/2019 12:07:51 PM
Creation date
3/14/2019 12:03:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 03-03-2015 - 5a
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2015\Agenda - 03-03-2015 - Regular Mtg.
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Minutes 03-03-2015
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2015
Minutes 05-05-2015
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2015
ORD-2015-012 Ordinance Designating the Property Known As The White Cross School In Orange County, North Carolina As A Local Historic Landmark
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2015
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Attachment 3 12 <br />ORANGE COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />Meeting Summary <br />October 22 "d, 2014 <br />Old Orange County Courthouse <br />106 East King Street, Hillsborough <br />Approved Dec. 10, 2014 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Dickinson (Chair), Rob Golan, Jaime Grant, Bob Ireland (Vice- Chair), and <br />Grace White <br />MEMBERS ABSENT <br />STAFF PRESENT: <br />Susan Ballard (excused) <br />Peter Sandbeck <br />GUESTS: Stan Lewis, Fred Stewart <br />ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br />Chair Dickinson called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm, and recognized guest Stan Lewis, <br />owner of a property that adjoins the White Cross School. <br />ITEM #2: CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. <br />ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES (September 24th meeting): Golan moved to accept the <br />minutes; seconded by Ireland; motion passed. <br />ITEM #4: ITEMS FOR DECISION: <br />a. Chatwood COA: follow -up review of proposed work: <br />Chair Dickinson recognized guest Fred Stewart, project architect. Staff presented an <br />overview of the house and the proposed work, noting the major work covered in our <br />review of the COA at our May meeting. The items to be discussed tonight are to provide <br />clarification of specific details relating to a proposed new roof and dormer, a geothermal <br />well system and related insulation, as conditioned in our prior COA approval. This is not a <br />new COA request. Discussion followed about wall insulation and the discovery of older <br />fiberglass insulation found in the wall cavities. Wall insulation is not formally governed by <br />the HPC as it is considered interior work not visible from the public right -of -way. Fred <br />Stewart described the current proposal to install 1" of rigid insulation board above the <br />existing roof sheathing. This may slightly alter the roof edge detail as viewed on the <br />exterior. This would be covered by new white aluminum drip edge similar to what is there. <br />Members viewed a sample of the proposed roofing metal for the color. The request is to <br />approve the roof material and color (gray metallic color somewhat like a weathered terne- <br />coated roof), the dormer detail drawing, and the proposed insulation above the roof deck. <br />Discussion followed. Ireland moved to approve the work as submitted, specifically the roof <br />color and proposed insulation detailing, and the dormer on the east slope of the roof of the <br />one -story wing; seconded by Golan; motion passed. Staff will send an approval letter. <br />b. Local Landmark Application: White Cross School, final review of Part 2 Application <br />Staff presented an overview of the concepts of landmark designation for Mr. Lewis. This <br />application is being presented again so that the HPC can review the final draft of the Part <br />
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