Orange County NC Website
11 <br />➢ All organizations have significant budget challenges to address training and facility needs <br />➢ A joint regional facility was extremely agreeable to help share costs <br />➢ A Joint regional facility was seen as essential for joint cooperation and facilitating operations <br />As a result of this cooperative effort, the ERSPC has concluded that a more detailed strategic planning process <br />(phase II) be conducted for the region. This process has been endorsed by the TJCOG regional managers group. <br />This next phase would produce quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate the project's program curriculum <br />and design, operations analysis and modeling, concept cost construction estimates, financial assessment, <br />external revenue strategy, facility conceptual design , sustainability planning and site selection criteria. <br />Dewberry, Little and Tactical Design would conduct the phase II strategic plan. Once initiated the process is <br />estimated to take at least seven months and is designed to include input from public safety agencies and other <br />interested organizations in the TJCOG region through surveys, meetings, organizational interviews, and focus <br />group meetings. It's estimated that the cost of all phase II activities will be $135,000 with findings and <br />recommendations complete sometime during spring of 2015. <br />To move forward with phase II, it is necessary that adequate funds be raised to support this joint regional <br />endeavor. The ERSPC is asking jurisdictions in the TJCOG region for support and approved a tiered approach to <br />jurisdiction contribution amounts based upon population. Your contribution would be in "good faith" and signal <br />your jurisdiction's desire to join with others to help support and participate in this very important phase of the <br />process. It should be made clear that participating in the next phase of study and planning does not 'lock" a <br />jurisdiction into a continuing effort if you decide that the project is not beneficial to your public safety mission. <br />We ask that you contact Kirby Bowers, Executive Director of TJCOG at kbowers or 919 - 558 -9395 with <br />your jurisdiction's intent to contribute by July 31, 2014. You will subsequently receive an invoice from TJCOG for <br />the contribution amount. The requested contribution amounts can be found on the enclosed table. If you have <br />any questions please feel free contact us. We encourage your participation and contribution and thank you in <br />advance for your support. <br />Sincerely, <br />Lee Worsley <br />Deputy County Manager, Durham County <br />Chairman, ERSP Committee <br />Dan Jones <br />Fire Chief, Chapel Hill <br />Chairman, Public Safety Training Center <br />Steering Committee <br />cc: Fire Chief, Police Chief, Sheriff, Emergency Management Coordinator <br /> <br />919.599.0551 <br />4307 Emperor Boulevard, Suite 110, Durham, NC 27703 Fax: 919.549.9390 <br />