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25 <br /> commitment is made from Duke. He said all indications point to great private funding <br /> interest. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the backstop would exist to have a fund to backup <br /> while the other agreements are being signed. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the Board passed a resolution that it would not spend <br /> any more than $149.5 million, and so he questions the need for this petition and proposal. <br /> He said Durham is well aware of this reality. He said in 2017 Davenport was asked to look <br /> at the entire project and the financing, which was a huge project. He said right now, the <br /> Board is waiting for a short list of numbers, and this request for an analysis from Davenport <br /> is premature. He said he would like to get information first, and then see what is needed. <br /> He said at the meeting last month, which upset everyone, there were many financial staff in <br /> that room, who have a good handle on what is going on. He said his point is that everyone <br /> wants to know what is going on and to protect Orange County, and the odds are good that <br /> there will be enough information to understand everything and to share it with the public, <br /> answering all questions. He said he is not in favor of committing to this analysis now, but <br /> he is comfortable with keeping Davenport on hold and using them after the numbers are <br /> received, and if questions still remain. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he tends to agree with Commissioner Marcoplos, but <br /> the information the Board is going to get is going to be very determinative. He said if Duke <br /> does not commit, or if the numbers are going to be exorbitant, the Board will not need <br /> Davenport to tell it to stop, as it will be obvious. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin agreed that this is a different situation than in 2017, and he <br /> feels like this time around it will be more obvious as to how to proceed. He said if it is not, <br /> then the Board can hire Davenport. He would like to get the information back first. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she thinks she agrees with Commissioner Dorosin, and <br /> she was not a part of the Board when it passed a resolution limiting spending at $149.5 <br /> million, but she supported it and is committed to that resolution. She said if Duke does not <br /> commit, the conversation is over. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she agrees with Commissioner Dorosin to wait for the <br /> numbers, and if they present a viable scenario then it may be valuable to engage <br /> Davenport. She said it may be wise to have Davenport on retainer now. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she agrees with most of what has been said, but she <br /> has more questions if Duke does commit and there are more numbers in hand. She said <br /> this resolution seems to be pre-authorizing the Manager to engage Davenport if there are <br /> questions about the numbers, which is what she would support. She would like to compare <br /> Davenport's analysis form 2017 with one of current numbers, once these numbers are <br /> received. She said if Durham is hiring an outside firm, it seems to support the hiring of <br /> Davenport once there are numbers. <br /> Commissioner Bedford encouraged the Board to pass this resolution, and it is not <br /> about terminating the project, but rather understanding the numbers as a new cost share <br /> agreement is negotiated. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said a lot of these questions were answered in the original <br /> analysis. He said Orange County is not going to pay the numbers they are dealing with <br /> now, and it is wise to wait and see what will affect Orange County when the information on <br /> any of these additional costs is received. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said this financial burden is not on Orange County, and <br /> he recommends not pre-authorizing any analysis by Davenport, but wait and see what the <br /> numbers say. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said Orange County is responsible for the interest, and if the <br /> costs go up (even if these costs are assumed by Durham), Orange County is still <br /> responsible for the interest according to the cost sharing agreement. <br />