Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Student Support Personnel (School Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, and <br /> Nurses): It is critical to properly staff public schools with the necessary support structure for the <br /> social, emotional, and mental health needs of students. The General Assembly should provide <br /> sufficient allotments to meet the nationally recommended staff to student ratios for these <br /> positions. <br /> School Resource Officers: The General Assembly should provide the appropriate funding to <br /> have a full-time resource officer in each school. Additional pay, training, and education should <br /> be provided for this unique law enforcement position. <br /> Chair Samuels said CHCCS reviewed this at its retreat today. She said the main areas <br /> of focus are calendar flexibility, support staff in general, state construction bonds, teacher <br /> retention and recruitment, etc. <br /> Chair Stephens OCS has similar issues to CHCCS: calendar flexibility, exams before the <br /> holidays, school technology (the state owes them $730 million), fund support personnel, <br /> construction, etc. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the districts are going to endorse their own legislative <br /> goals or sign on to this list from the School Boards Association. <br /> Chair Samuels said CHCCS has its legislative breakfast coming up, and has not passed <br /> its legislative agenda yet. <br /> Chair Stephens said OCS has not done so either. She said this is the School Board <br /> Association's agenda, but it is aligned with the Superintendents, Principals, and Assistant <br /> Principals groups as well. She said all educators across the state are of one mind. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said Orange County's draft legislative agenda has 5 school <br /> priorities: additional revenue options, bond, lottery for capital needs, calendar flexibility, full <br /> funding for ADM growth, increase class size reductions, and full funding for drivers' ed. He said <br /> he does not see full funding for driver's education on either of the school boards' lists, and <br /> asked if the BOCC should remove this item from its list. <br /> James Barrett said he thinks this has been fixed and to take it off the list. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the paper talked about extra monies sitting in a voucher pot, <br /> and it seems that there may be some traction for legislation to stop putting more money into that <br /> fund and repurpose it for other uses. He said it is around $18 million. <br /> Superintendent Baldwin said it is very important to pay attention to the school funding <br /> formula, which is changing right now. She said it has been initially presented as a block grant, <br /> but that received push back, and now it is under the school funding formula amendment with a <br /> committee working on it as the state level. She said it will mean a shift in funding for local <br /> government to support more locally paid teachers and personnel. She said it being presented <br /> under the umbrella to flexibility to LEAs; making decisions about your local personnel and <br /> whether the local government will pay for them or not. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if a virtual charter school could be explained. <br /> James Barrett said it is a for-profit company that offers online classes then collects a per <br /> pupil fee from the state. He said these programs do not deliver results, and students are <br /> regressing. He said this was a pilot program that has received a multi-year extension. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said these two online charter schools are the lowest performing in <br /> the state, and just got extended for four more years. <br /> 4. Other Business <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he brought up the issue of concussions about 2 years ago, <br /> and the following week an OCS football player went into a coma. He asked if there is any <br /> continued response or monitoring of the health hazard of football in high school. <br />