Orange County NC Website
OS/] 2200> <br />30 <br />i. Provide a minimum of two openings on different sides of each enclosed area <br />subiect to flooding; <br />ii. The total net area of all openings must be at least one (1) square inch for each square <br />foot of enclosed area subject to flooding; <br />iii. If a building has more than one enclosed area, each area must have openings on <br />exterior walls to allow floodwaters to directly enter and exit; <br />iv. The bottom of all required openings shall be no higher than one (1) foot above <br />the adiacentgrade; <br />Openings maybe equipped with screens, louvers, or other opening coverings or <br />devices provided they permit the automatic flow of floodwaters in both directions; <br />and <br />vi. Foundation enclosures made of flexible vinyl or sheet metal shirting are not <br />considered enclosures for regulatory and flood insurance rating purnoses, and <br />therefore do not require openings. Masonry or wood underpinning, regardless <br />of structural status is considered an enclosure and requires hydrostatic <br />openings as outlined above to comply with this Ordinance. <br />b. The enclosed areas shall be used solely for parlung of vehicles, building access, or <br />stora e. Access to the enclosed area shall be the minimum necessary to allow for <br />parking of vehicles (garage door) or limited storage of maintenance equipment used in <br />connection with the premises (standazd exterior door) or entry to the living area (stairway <br />or elevator). The interior portion of such enclosed area shall not be partitioned or <br />finished into separate rooms, <br />6. Tenzpor°ary .rh-uctuz~es. Prior to the issuance of a floodplain development permit for a <br />temporary structure, the following requirements roust shall be met: <br />a. A-I~-Applicants rrnust shall submit to the Floodplain Administrator -~~--=~oa-t~~~=ssu~u~f <br />' a plan for the removal of such siructm-e(s) in the event of a <br />humcane or flash flood warning notification. The plan rnrust shall include the following <br />information: <br />i. A specified time period for which the ternporazy use will be permitted; <br />ii. The name, address, and phone number of the individual responsible for the removal <br />of the temporazy structure; <br />iii, The time frame prior to the event at which a struchue will be removed (i.e., minimum <br />of 72 hours before landfall of a hurricane or immediately upon flood warning <br />notification); <br />iv. A copy of the contractor other suitable instrument with a trucking company to ensure <br />the availability of removal equipment when needed; and <br />i .:-h:~ i nal-:,.h r,i I _.- ~4~ii ilm:dr Inu~3ler.i .:ri J.:: <br />