Orange County NC Website
05/12/2005 10 <br />Mmzufactured horzze means a struchue, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a <br />permanent chassis and designed to be used with or without a pem7anent foundation when connected to <br />file required utilities.. The term "manufactured home" does not include a "recreational vehicle" or an <br />structure construction to North Carolina Building Code requirements. <br />Manufactured bonze paz°k or subdivision means a parcel (or contiguous pazcels) of land divided <br />into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. <br />Market Value means the building value, excluding the land, (as agreed to between a willing <br />buyer and sellerl as established by what the local real estate market will bear. An independent <br />certified appraisal can establish a market value using; replacement cost depreciated by age of <br />building (Actual Cash Value) or adiusted assessed values. <br />DTean :sea level means 7 7, 7 F+7, .. ~ ~ .,n ..+...,,,.. .,F+t,o t;a rt : ^^a .. <br />o ~ <br />for purposes of the NF1P, the <br />National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) as corrected in 1929, the North American Vertical Datum <br />(NAND) as corrected in 1988, or other vertical control dahun used as a reference for establishing <br />varying elevations within the floodplain, to which D ° ,;7,...,7 °7°""''~"^ BFE's shown on a FIRM are <br />referenced. Refer to each FIRM panel to determine datum used, <br />~b <br />New construction means structures for which the "stazt of constzuction" commenced on or after <br />+, ~_._ _~~,__ __~_.., _..._~:,.., ,.F+,.;,. n.,t;.,.,.,^, March 16, 1981, and includes any subsequent <br />b <br />improvements to such structures. <br />^ ..rti <br />7 U +t- +„ +' F F 'i'+' F +l,0 1.,+.. .,n,~ 7,' 1 +7, F e, .i~vraz~~_ini +z~o~ <br />a <br />, > e <br />b ~~ <br />Nonconfoz°ming building a- development means any legally existing building or development, <br />which fails to comply with the current provisions of this Ordinance, <br />Non-Eacroacha:eut area means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the <br />adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without <br />cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one (1) foot as designated in the <br />Flood Insurance Study report. <br />Obsu•uction includes but is not limited to any dam wall wharf; embankment, levee, d, ike, <br />ip le' abutment protection excavation channetization bridge, conduit, culvert, building,_w9re, <br />fence rock gravel refuse fill structure vegetation or other material in, along, across, or <br />goiecting into any watercourse which may alter impede retard or change the direction and/or <br />velocity of the flow of water or due to its location its propensity to snare or collect debris carried <br />by the flow of water, or its likelihood of being carried downstream. <br />t ielcr .'~inm,~. 61 -]•:.L II .~u~b:l~ -~I~:-`-~{~ I adLv. -'pi da: <br />