Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 23, 2005 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. C.1 <br />SUBJECT: Revisions to the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections <br />PUBLIC HEARING: (Y!N) Yes <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. Proposed ordinance revisions. <br />2. Summary of Structures within <br />floodplain areas. <br />3, Draft Administrative guidelines. <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Craig N. Benedict, ext 2592 <br />Glenn Bowles, ext 2577 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough 732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Durham 688-7331 <br />Mebane 336-227-2031 <br />PURPOSE: To receive public comment on proposed amendments to the Flood Damage <br />Prevention Ordinance and seek guidance for such revisions. <br />BACKGROUND: Orange County has developed a series of regulations to prevent building <br />activity in its flood-prone areas, as well as to preserve the environmental attributes. Even <br />though Orange County has been a leader in floodplain management through its work in <br />planning, erosion and sedimentation control, Lands Legacy, and building inspection divisions, <br />the county has not availed itself of federal programs that would financially recognize our efforts <br />through insurance rate rebates and other grant opportunities. <br />Orange County first became a participating community in the National Flood Insurance Program <br />(NFIP) in 1975 and entered the regular FEMA-NFIP on March 16,1981 with the adoption of a <br />flood damage prevention ordinance, This is the same effective date for the Flood Insurance <br />Rate Maps (FIRMs). The BOCC last revised the present ordinance in 1995. The County <br />adopted its original soil erosion and sedimentation control standards in 1975 and its Neuse <br />River Basin stormwater regulations in 2001 and stream buffer use restrictions in 1994, In short, <br />Orange County has a long, documented history of comprehensive land development <br />regulations focused on our water resources and stream corridors, <br />On ,June 18, 2004, North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program staff scheduled a preliminary <br />map meeting at which time they presented new preliminary FIRM panels and Flood Insurance <br />Study (FIS) Report to the County for the Neuse Basin streams. The new FIRMS panels altered <br />the existing floodplains, expanding them in some areas and decreasing them in others. The <br />new elevation reference (NAND 1983) is about 0,7 feet different from the original reference <br />(NGVD 1929), plus hydrologists used better topographic data. <br />roan ~r o ia'.r C;ami ~u L'ri?l ~ it lr_I:<mi~ ~~~•: '917. ~a1,~_i a,.: nJ~:d-i.~tJut <br />