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DocuSign Envelope ID: B01E86EC-6FC1-43CE-8E90-79CF68C52249 <br /> ECS Southeast, LLP <br /> C. 10 gradation analysis tests (wash sieve). <br /> d. 10 Atterberg Limit tests. <br /> e. 2 standard Proctor compaction tests (ASTM D 698) <br /> f. 2 California Bearing Ratio (CBR)tests. <br /> g. 2 remolded expansion index tests (ASTMD D 4829). <br /> h. 2 remolded one-dimensional swell pressure tests (ASTM D 4546). <br /> Report <br /> Upon completion of testing and engineering analysis, we will prepare a final geotechnical engineering <br /> report that presents our overall findings and recommendations including those from the preliminary <br /> explorations. The final geotechnical engineering report will include the following items: <br /> a. Observations from our site reconnaissance including current site conditions, surface drainage <br /> features, and surface topographic conditions. <br /> b. A review of the published geologic conditions and their relevance to your planned development. <br /> C. A subsurface characterization and a description of the field exploration and laboratory tests <br /> performed. <br /> d. Logs of the soil borings prepared in accordance with the standard practice for geotechnical <br /> engineering. A boring location plan will be included, and the results of the laboratory tests will <br /> be plotted on the final boring logs or included on a separate test report sheet. Elevations will be <br /> interpolated from civil drawings and/or referenced from published topographical maps. <br /> e. Recommended allowable soil bearing pressure(s) for conventional shallow foundations (spread <br /> footings) and estimates of predicted foundation settlement. We will provide recommendations <br /> for suitable intermediate foundations/ground improvement options in the event estimated <br /> settlements of shallow foundations are not tolerable. <br /> f. Recommendations for slab-on-grade design and construction, including recommendations for <br /> subgrade materials and design modulus of subgrade reaction. <br /> g. Design and construction recommendations for building retaining walls (below-grade basement, <br /> pit, and/or loading dock walls), including lateral earth pressures, sliding resistance coefficients, <br /> and allowable bearing pressures. <br /> h. Evaluation of the on-site soil characteristics encountered in the soil borings. Specifically, we will <br /> discuss the excavatability of the on-site materials and the suitability of the on-site materials for <br /> reuse as engineered fill. We will also include compaction requirements and suitable material <br /> guidelines. <br /> i. Recommendations for seismic site classification in accordance with the 2018 North Carolina <br /> Building Code. <br /> j. Recommendations for design and construction of the pavements, including a recommended <br /> California Bearing Ratio (CBR) design value. We will also include recommended pavement <br /> section thicknesses based on estimated or assumed 18-kip Equivalent Single Axle Loads(ESALs). <br /> k. Results of seasonal high water table determination. <br /> I. Recommendations for design and construction of the proposed wet pond embankment, cut-off <br /> trench, and liner. <br /> M. Recommendations for additional testing and/or consultation that might be required to complete <br /> the geotechnical assessment and related engineering for this project. <br /> ECS Proposal No:06:21174 <br /> Page 14 ffi- <br />