Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: B01E86EC-6FC1-43CE-8E90-79CF68C52249 <br /> ECS Southeast, LLP <br /> covered parcel with wooded areas along the west and south perimeters. Topographic information <br /> provided on the Subsurface Investigation Exhibit drawings prepared by Civil Consultants, Inc. indicates <br /> that current site grades range from approximately elevation 608 to 650 feet. <br /> Based on previous information provided by Civil Consultants, Inc., we understand there was an old pond <br /> located within the southwest portion of the site that showed up on older mapping records. Based on <br /> visual observations of the site during our preliminary explorations, it appears that this pond has been <br /> backfilled. Based on our review of historical aerial images of the site, it appears that the pond may have <br /> been backfilled sometime in 2010. From our site observations, it also appears that additional fill <br /> materials may have be imported and stockpiled within the old pond area where the grades appeared to <br /> have been raised. Historical images indicate that the fill may have been placed sometime in 2015. Test <br /> pits were performed by ECS within the apparent fill area in March of 2018, which confirmed the <br /> presence of fill soils. The fill was noted to contain high plasticity soils, organic material, small boulders <br /> and various other debris indicating that the fill had been placed in an uncontrolled manner. <br /> The planned construction at the site will include a new Environment and Agriculture Center (EAC) <br /> Building, Parks Operations Building and Detention Center Building. Our understanding of the proposed <br /> structures at this time is based on the following information provided by the project design team. <br /> EAC Building <br /> We understand the EAC Building will have a footprint area of approximately 18,000 square feet and will <br /> be located within the northeast portion of the site. We understand it will be a single story steel framed <br /> structure planned to be supported on shallow foundations consisting of conventional spread and <br /> continuous footings. The exterior walls of the building will consist of light gauge metal studs and a <br /> combination of masonry veneer and formed metal cladding. Alternatively, the exterior walls may <br /> consist of load-bearing masonry. Maximum anticipated foundation loads provided by Lynch Mykins are <br /> column loads up to 60 kips and wall loads up to 4 kips per foot. <br /> Parks Operations Building <br /> We understand the Parks Operation Building will have a footprint area of approximately 10,000 square <br /> feet and will be located within the southeast portion of the site. We understand it will be a pre- <br /> engineered metal building planned to be supported on shallow foundations. Maximum anticipated <br /> foundation loads provided by Lynch Mykins are column loads up to 60 kips and wall loads up to 4 kips <br /> per foot. <br /> Detention Center Building <br /> We understand the Detention Center Building will have a footprint area of 65,525 square feet and will <br /> be located at the approximate center of the site. Information pertaining to building height and planned <br /> construction type has not been provided at this time. We assume the structure is planned to be <br /> supported on shallow foundations consisting of conventional spread and continuous footings. Design <br /> foundation loads have not been provided to us, but we assume they will be may be moderate (column <br /> loads up to 250 kips and wall loads up to 8 kips per foot). <br /> Paved drives and parking areas will be included in the development, and a stormwater pond will be <br /> constructed at the south end of the property. In addition to the new building and site construction, <br /> utility improvements are planned for the offsite water line running along the south side of US 70 West <br /> ECS Proposal No:06:21174 <br /> Page 1 2 ffi- <br />