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L.~ <br />We would like to preserve these slide shows and the audiotapes for the historic and <br />artistic value. The programs could be used for educational purposes for clmrohes, <br />schools, and civic groups. Brent Bogue, and Gail Hughes, both with the District office, <br />and Don Cox, the Treasurer of the Board of Supervisors have been working on this <br />project with Mrs, Evelyn Patterson. With their assistance, Mrs. Patterson has secured Mr. <br />Don Nelson, of Visionaerie Video Productions, to convert the slide show programs to <br />video and/or CD. The project name is: <br />The puentin W. Patterson Photographic Art Collection projects. <br />In memory of Quentin, Mrs. Patterson would like to donate $20,000 to the Orange Soil <br />and Water Conservation District. This money will be ttsed to fully fiord the Qa~errtin W. <br />Pattersar Photographic Art Collection project therefore assuring the project will be <br />completed. Once the project is completed, Ms. Patterson would like the balance of the <br />funds to remain in the Orange Soil and Water Conservation District's budget and be used <br />to fund conservation education projects, <br />Mrs. Patterson would also like to donate the entire Collection to the Orange Soil and <br />Water Conservation District for future use and distribution as the SWCD Board of <br />Supervisors and District staff deem suitable. <br />Mrs. Patterson and the Orange Soil and Water Conservation District are looking forward <br />to forming a partnership to make these historic slide programs available to the citizens of <br />Orange County. Thank you for working with us on this project. <br />Sincerely <br />Mr. Roger Tate <br />Chairman, <br />Orange Soil and Water Conservation District <br />Cc: Rod Visser <br />Mrs. Evelyn Patterson <br />Orange Soil and Water Conservation Board of Supervisors <br />