Orange County NC Website
Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan <br /> • Access management starts at the state level through enabling legislation; <br /> • State-enabling legislation dictates power given to local jurisdictions; and <br /> • Land use planning techniques can be used to promote access management. <br /> Access Management Plans (AMPS) are proposed long-range transportation plans with elements such as possible <br /> new roads and connections to existing roads. These plans promote an orderly, cost effective, efficient and <br /> environmentally sensitive roadway program, which help guide development decisions and investment. <br /> Ultimately, Orange County seeks to develop an access management plan in order to maintain the functionality <br /> of and improve the transportation network as the area develops over time.These AMPS are primarily used when <br /> a property owner sells or subdivides their property, if they choose, for development. <br /> Figure 2:How the Plan Works <br /> County staff uses <br /> Property owner Property developeIS' AMP to encourage <br /> develops their submits application developer to <br /> property or sells to County for dedicate portion of <br /> their property to development property for public <br /> future developer approval right-of-way for <br /> future •. • <br /> It does NOT fund Does NOT take, Does NOT say Does NOT say <br /> road projects nor condemn or buy when future when or how <br /> acquisition of right of private land for development will new roads will <br /> way• future roads. occur be built <br /> A "Developer" is defined as: a person who develops real estate. <br /> A property owner who seeks to make physical changes to their property for their own personal use or improve <br /> the property's sale potential is synonymous to "a person who develops real estate". This person must submit a <br /> development application to the County for approval. It is through this development review process where this <br /> plan is exercised to request right-of-way. <br /> This regulatory framework is detailed in the following section. <br /> A. State and Local Regulations <br /> Under State law - North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S.) § 136-66.2 - Metropolitan Planning Organizations <br /> (MPOs) and municipalities shall develop Comprehensive Transportation Plans (CTPs) in cooperation with the <br /> NCDOT. Orange County's is divided among three regional transportation agencies, each with a CTP. These <br /> agencies work with Orange County to meet state and federal regulations for all transportation projects, plans, <br /> and programs. They also ensure transportation planning is continuing, coordinated, and comprehensive (23 <br /> U.S.C. 134-135). <br /> Orange County Planning Department Page 2 <br />