Orange County NC Website
Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan <br /> Executive Summary <br /> The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) official access management definition is the process that provides <br /> access to land development while simultaneously preserving the flow of traffic on the surrounding system in <br /> terms of safety, capacity, and speed.This plan promotes FHWA's access management practices by allowing local <br /> government to: <br /> • Maintain the overall safety for all users of the transportation system; <br /> • Minimize congestion and crash rates; <br /> • Provide for efficient traffic flow and pedestrian and bicycle safety; and <br /> • Provide appropriate access to adjacent business properties. <br /> The original Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan (E-B-M AMP) was adopted November 15, 2011 <br /> and it implemented Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan (2006) recommendations. It has also advanced several 2030 <br /> Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. <br /> The original plan identified access management strategies and areas where <br /> new connector roads would be needed to maintain and improve access <br /> within areas identified in the County's land use plan for economic <br /> development purposes. This plan was instrumental in gaining North <br /> Lt1 <br /> Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) acceptance and <br /> participation in roadwork improvements necessary to serve the Morinaga <br /> �.e Candy Factory, which opened in 2016, with limited on-site surveying and <br /> analysis. <br /> In 2017, a thorough existing conditions, environmental, and traffic analysis was <br /> completed through an engineering-based transportation study conducted by <br /> Volkert Inc., based in Raleigh, NC. Its Transportation Report for the Efland- <br /> Buckhorn-Mebane Study Area (See Appendix A), hereafter referred to as the 2017 JVOLKERT <br /> Transportation Report, reinforces the original E-B-M AMP with a comprehensive <br /> investigation of the area's development potential, traffic impact and recommended <br /> improvements. <br /> The E-B-M AMP is: <br /> • A combination of the original adopted 2011 E-B-M AMP; 2017 Transportation Study; and County <br /> Planning, City of Mebane, and public comments. <br /> • A long-range transportation vision for the area illustrating roadway alignment and corridor width <br /> necessary to serve future land uses and address traffic impact as development occurs. <br /> • A plan that assists the County in promoting economic development through its development review <br /> process by encouraging developers to dedicate right-of-way necessary for future roads. <br /> The E-B-M AMP is not: <br /> • A proposal for, nor does it seek authorization for,funding right-of-way acquisition. <br /> o However, an AMP would be a necessary prerequisite to guide the investment to improve access, <br /> where necessary. <br /> Orange County Planning Department Page i <br />