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Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan <br /> • Stop Sign Gap Assistance <br /> • Traffic Signal Priority, Operation and Benchmarking <br /> • Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures <br /> • Emergency Transportation System Operations <br /> • Traffic Incident and Road Weather Management <br /> Roundabouts are possible at any intersection in place of signalized intersections. The use of roundabouts <br /> requires meeting NCDOT traffic warrant.They must also meet with NCDOT's Traffic Engineering Policies, <br /> Practices, and Legal Authority(TEPPL). While the 2017 Transportation Study did not include roundabouts as <br /> possible intersection improvements,this update incorporates them as possibilities. <br /> The AMP for the planning area consists of planned streets intersections as illustrated in FIGURE 16. Details of <br /> these intersection improvements are located on pp. 26-42 of APPENDix B. <br /> D. AMP Update and Implementation <br /> Developers proposing projects within this area will be required to provide the appropriate street cross sections <br /> and intersection improvements as specified in this plan. The E-B-M AMP update includes the original 2011 AMP <br /> by carrying forward its list of access management concepts, treatments, and considerations as listed in TABLE 5. <br /> Driveway-Related Crashes, Spacing, Density and <br /> Consolidation Access Management and Pedestrian Safety <br /> Intersection Spacing and Traffic Signal Spacing Driveway Grade and Width <br /> Clearing Driveways Away From Corners and <br /> Functional Areas of Intersections and Conflict Points Driveway Turn Radius <br /> Speed Differential Between Turning Vehicles And <br /> Through Traffic Shared/Joint Driveways and/or Cross Access <br /> Benefits and Economic Impacts of Access Management Dedicated Left And Right Turning Lanes <br /> Continuous Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes <br /> Three-Lane Roadways With Two-Way Left-Turn <br /> Considerations Lanes <br /> Internal Circulation In Land Developments and Sight Raised Medians at Intersections and Continuous <br /> Distance Raised Median <br /> Comparison Of Raised Median And Two-Way Left- <br /> Incorporating Aesthetics Into Access Management Turn Lanes <br /> Clear Zones, Utility Placement And Lighting Frontage and Backage Roads <br /> Table S:AMP Practices <br /> A detail explanation of each concept, treatment and consideration is provided in APPENDix A at the end of this <br /> Plan. The E-B-M AMP below (FIGURE 16) illustrated the road network and intersection improvements planned in <br /> the area. This plan is based on detail transportation analysis as documented in the 2017 Transportation Study <br /> (APPENDIX B) and public comments gathered throughout the planning process. <br /> Orange County Planning Department Page 22 <br />