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Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan <br /> These pods were also used to estimate how much additional traffic future development could generate. Each <br /> year, ITE publishes trip generations for individual land uses. Based on current analysis, if all pods were <br /> developed over time and based on the designated land uses and current zoning, the planning area could <br /> experience an additional 172,829 vehicular trips per day on the roads. Below is a summary of daily, morning, <br /> and evening peak hour trip generations for the planning area (TABLE 2&FIGURE 12). <br /> Pod Daily 4500 Figure 12:POD Trip Generation <br /> 1 7,440 <br /> 2 2,781 4000 <br /> 3 21,917 <br /> 4 40,416 3500 <br /> 5 0 <br /> 6 1,998 3000 <br /> 7 36,955 <br /> 2500 <br /> 8 5,088 ■AM Peak <br /> 9 17,736 Q 2000 ■PM Peak <br /> 10 4,336 ~ <br /> 11 4,516 1500 <br /> 12 392 <br /> 13 925 1000 <br /> 14 4,896 <br /> 15 1,010 500 <br /> 16 772 <br /> 0 <br /> 17 16,228 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 <br /> 18 5,422 POD Number <br /> Table 3:POD Daily Trips <br /> ..4.. .... ..4: Ar.. �-...:. <br /> Various intersections in the planning area were analyzed for potential improvements. This investigation is based <br /> on the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) being projected from 2014-2025 using historic trends. NCDOT <br /> monitors the AADT data and the 2017 Transportation Study estimates a 3% annual increase over the past 15 <br /> years. This data is collected from traffic count stations located throughout the planning area and helps in <br /> determining each road's Level of Service (LOS). ITE defines the various LOS as described below: <br /> • LOS A: Free flow with individual users unaffected by others in the traffic stream. <br /> • LOS B: Stable flow with freedom to select speed with some influence by others. <br /> • LOS C: Restricted flow remaining stable with significant interaction with others. <br /> • LOS D: High-density flow with speed and maneuverability restricted but steady traffic stream. <br /> • LOS E: Unstable flow with poor comfort and convenience level. <br /> • LOS F: Forced flow characterized by stop-and-go waves and increased accident exposure. <br /> Orange County Planning Department Page 15 <br />