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Efland-Buckhorn-Mebane Access Management Plan <br /> II. Access Management Plan <br /> The E-B-M AMP is updated using a strategic planning process. The detailed analysis included in the 2017 <br /> Transportation Study, located in APPENDIX B, documents the quantitative nature of the planning area, identifying <br /> key access management issues addressed by the original 2011 access management plan. This E-B-M AMP update <br /> is to follow a planning process similar to the original 2011 AMP. A community meeting was conducted to gather <br /> public input on the plan, including the issues, concerns, and recommendations of the attendees. Access <br /> Management strategies have been evaluated, recommended, and included in this document in order to execute <br /> a successful plan. A summary of the planning process is shown below in FIGURE 5 and detailed in this chapter. <br /> Figure 5:Planning Process <br /> AMP Update <br /> 2011 AMP and 1Community <br /> • •. • • <br /> Transportation <br /> Study <br /> A. Community Meeting <br /> On August 28, 2018, Orange County Planning Department hosted a Community Meeting at Gravelly Hill Middle <br /> School, located within the planning area. Extensive outreach was conducted to get the public involved in the <br /> planning process, this included: <br /> • Individual letters mailed to each property owner in - and within 500' of - the planning area notifying <br /> them of the Community Meeting and encouraging their participation. <br /> • Posted on County website urging public involvement and keeping them updated on the plan's status. <br /> • Provided a schedule requesting public participate when the plan goes before Planning Board, Orange <br /> County Unified Transportation Board and Board of County Commission for approval. <br /> The Community Meeting was held in the gym at Gravelly Hill Middle School from 4:30 pm — 6:30 pm. Maps of <br /> the E-B-M planning area were displayed around the gym with comment cards and brief surveys soliciting their <br /> input while crafting the plan. Detail comments from the community meeting are included in Appendix C. They <br /> support the need for an update of the E-B-M AMP and are supportive of the implementation strategies <br /> necessary to address their transportation concerns in the planning area. <br /> B. 2017 Transportation Study <br /> The 2017 Transportation Study (APPENDIX B) analyzed existing conditions for the planning area. The area is <br /> mostly rural in character with a few commercial properties scattered throughout. Sites such as Morinaga <br /> America Foods, Inc., Forma-Fab Metals, Cleora Sterling, and Gravelly-Hill Middle School are located within the <br /> planning area. 1-85/1-40 bisects the area and is paralleled by US-70 and West Ten Road. Efland Fire Department <br /> Station 2, GE Industrial Solutions, and Efland Cheeks Elementary School as well as other uses are found along the <br /> area's border. Since the 2011 AMP's adoption and the subsequent 2017 Transportation Study, the planning area <br /> has been further analyzed, including updating traffic count and crash data and additional road and intersection <br /> improvements have been identified for the area. <br /> Orange County Planning Department Page 9 <br />