Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: EB5D5FB9-1F00-4836-9CE0-355AF8D06137 <br /> 1. Position profile and recruitment brochure development including onsite <br /> interview with County and County designated internal and external stakeholders; <br /> development of advertisement materials and execution of recruitment strategy and <br /> candidate outreach nine (9)weeks from executed contract; and <br /> 2. Screening of applicants and recommendation of semi finalists to County two <br /> (2)weeks from completion of Task 1; and <br /> 3. Conducting background checks, reference checks and academic verifications <br /> five (5) weeks from completion of Task 2; and <br /> 4. Final interview process including providing documentation on each of the <br /> finalists; provide interview in questions and a candidate process for interview <br /> panel two (2) weeks from completion of Task 3; and <br /> 5. Be on site with County while conducting interviews and facilitate decision <br /> making process in selecting a candidate and make recommendation to County <br /> Manager two (2)weeks from completion of Task 4; and <br /> 6. Negotiate offer with candidate on behalf of County Manager. <br /> Should County reasonably determine that Provider has not met the Milestone <br /> Dates established in Section 3(a)(ii), County shall notify Provider of the failure to meet the <br /> Milestone Date. The County, at its discretion may provide the Provider seven (7) days to cure the <br /> breach. County may withhold the accompanying payment without penalty until such time as <br /> Provider cures the breach. In the alternative, upon Provider's failure to meet any Milestone Date <br /> the County may modify the Milestone Date schedule. Should Provider or its representatives fail <br /> to cure the breach within seven (7) days, or fail to reasonably agree to such modified schedule, <br /> County may immediately terminate this Agreement in writing, without penalty or incurring <br /> further obligation to Provider. This section shall not be interpreted to limit the definition of <br /> breach to the failure to meet Milestone Dates. <br /> 4. Duration of Services <br /> a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from March 1, 2019 to September 1, 2019 for <br /> the recruitment of an Asset Management Services Director. This Agreement may be <br /> extended at anytime within twenty-four months after the successful candidate has been <br /> appointed, as provided in the Cost Proposal to Provide Executive Recruitment Services <br /> RFP #5258, if a replacement recruitment is required because the successful candidate is <br /> terminated or has resigned for any reason. <br /> b. Scheduling of Services <br /> i) The Provider shall schedule and perform its activities in a timely manner so as to <br /> meet the Milestone Dates listed in Section 3. <br /> ii) Should the County determine that the Provider is behind schedule, it may require <br /> the Provider to expedite and accelerate its efforts, including providing additional <br /> resources and working overtime, as necessary, to perform its services in <br /> accordance with the approved project schedule at no additional cost to the <br /> County. <br /> iii) The Commencement Date for the Provider's Basic Services shall be March 1, <br /> 2019. <br /> Revised 12/18 3 <br />