Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 02/20/19 <br /> Date Revised: 02/28/19 <br /> BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions <br /> (Individuals with a*by their name are the lead facilitators for the group of individuals responsible for an item) <br /> Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br /> Date Date Responsible <br /> 2/19/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Dorosin, 3/31/2019 Travis Myren Staff to follow-up with Durham <br /> seconded by Commissioner McKee, that the necessary Tech representatives and Fire <br /> efforts move forward for the Board to take action to approve Chiefs <br /> locating a fire training facility at the Orange County campus <br /> of Durham Tech <br /> 2/19/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Marcoplos 5/2/2019 Tyrone Fisher To be reviewed and considered <br /> that staff investigate the possibility of providing classes at as part of budget process <br /> the Breeze Farm in Spanish <br /> 2/19/19 Review and consider request by Commissioner Rich that the 5/2/2019 Donna Baker To be scheduled for Board <br /> Board consider a resolution recognizing Bill Ferris consideration based on Mr. <br /> Ferris's availability <br /> 2/19/19 Work with OWASA staff and partners to provide an 5/1/2019 Craig Benedict Staff to pursue working with <br /> Information Item to the Board on individual water John Roberts OWASA and partners' staff to <br /> connections/process for the Rogers Road area develop Information Item <br /> 2/19/19 Conform the school calendaring resolution based on 3/1/2019 Donna Baker DONE <br /> Board's approval with additional "WHEREAS" statement <br /> 2/19/19 Conform the Food Council MOU based on Board's 3/1/2019 Bonnie To be conformed <br /> approval with minor typographical updates Hammersley <br /> 2/19/19 Conform the 2019 Orange County Legislative Priorities 3/1/2019 Greg Wilder To be conformed <br /> documents as approved by the Board with approved <br /> addition from Commissioner Bedford <br /> 2/19/19 Schedule potential agreement with Davenport for the 3/7/2019 or Travis Myren Information not available/ <br /> Board's March 7, 2019 regular meeting,pending receipt of later incomplete for March 7 meeting; <br /> information from GoTriangle, and pending need for the To be scheduled for future <br /> Board to possibly meet earlier to consider action meeting <br />