Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Orange County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee <br /> To: Board of County Commissioners <br /> From: Vibeke Talley, Chair <br /> Re: Reappointment of Martha Bell <br /> Date: 01/14/2019 <br /> On behalf of the Orange County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee I would like to <br /> recommend Martha Bell for reappointment to our committee. She is a very active and engaged <br /> member of the committee. She functions as secretary of the committee and contributes <br /> frequently with timely news reports related to long term care for the committee to explore and <br /> learn from. She makes nursing home site visits and prepares the reports. She attends meetings <br /> but had to miss the January 2018 meeting due to a recent surgery (please see attached <br /> attendance record). She is a valued member of our committee and she is interested in <br /> continuing on the committee. <br /> Please let me know if you need additional information to move this recommendation forward. <br />