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6 <br /> ❑ If this box is checked,the annual rental payable hereunder(and accordingly the monthly installments)shall be adjusted every <br /> Lease Year Anniversary by the greater of.(i) percent(_ %o)over the amount then payable hereunder, <br /> or,(ii)the percentage increase(but not any decrease)in the numerical index of the"Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers" <br /> (1982-84= 100)published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor("CPI')for the immediately <br /> preceding twelve(12)month period over the amount then payable hereunder. <br /> ❑ If this box is checked,the annual rental payable hereunder(and accordingly the monthly installments)shall be adjusted every <br /> Lease Year Anniversary by $ over the amount then payable hereunder. In the event renewal of this Lease is <br /> provided for in paragraph 2 hereof and effectively exercised by Tenant,the rental adjustments provided herein shall apply to the term <br /> of the Lease so renewed, <br /> ❑ If this box is checked,Tenant shall pay all rental to Landlord's Agent at the following address: <br /> LATE CHARGES <br /> 4. If Landlord fails to receive full rental payment within Five days after it becomes due, Tenant shall pay <br /> Landlord, as additional rental, a late charge equal to percent S.0 (%) of the overdue amount or <br /> $300.00 whichever is greater,plus any actual bank fees incurred for dishonored payments. The parties agree that <br /> such a late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the cost Landlord will incur by reason of such late payment. <br /> SECURITY DEPOSIT <br /> 5. Upon the execution of this Lease, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord the sum of$8,333.33 as a security <br /> deposit which shall be held by Landlord as security for the full and faithful performance by Tenant of each and every term,covenant <br /> and condition of this Lease. The security deposit does not represent payment of and Tenant shall not presume application of same as <br /> payment of the last monthly installment of rental due under this Lease. Landlord shall have no obligation to segregate or otherwise <br /> account for the security deposit except as provided in this paragraph 5. If any of the rental or other charges or sums payable by Tenant <br /> shall be over-due and unpaid or should payments be made by Landlord on behalf of Tenant, or should Tenant fail to perform any of <br /> the terms of this Lease, then Landlord may, at its option, appropriate and apply the security deposit, or so much thereof as may be <br /> necessary, to compensate toward the payment of the rents, charges or other sums due from Tenant, or towards any loss, damage or <br /> expense sustained by Landlord resulting from such default on the part of the Tenant; and in such event Tenant upon demand shall <br /> restore the security deposit to the amount set forth above in this paragraph 5. In the event Tenant furnishes Landlord with proof that <br /> all utility bills and other bills of Tenant related to the Premises have been paid through the date of Lease termination,and performs all <br /> of Tenant's other obligations under this Lease,the security deposit shall be returned to Tenant within sixty(60)days after the date of <br /> the expiration or sooner termination of the term of this Lease and the surrender of the Premises by Tenant in compliance with the <br /> provisions of this Lease. <br /> ❑ If this box is checked,Agent shall hold the security deposit in trust and shall be entitled to the interest,if any,thereon. <br /> UTILITY BILLS/SERVICE CONTRACTS <br /> 6. Landlord and Tenant agree that utility bills and service contracts("Service Obligations")for the Premises shall be paid by the <br /> party indicated below as to each Service Obligation. Where a Service Obligation is allocated to Tenant,Tenant shall not be <br /> responsible for such service as to any Common Area and such responsibility shall be limited to the Premises(Tenant space). <br /> In each instance, the party undertaking responsibility for payment of a Service Obligation covenants that they will pay the <br /> applicable bills prior to delinquency. The responsibility to pay for a Service Obligation shall include all metering,hook-up <br /> fees or other miscellaneous charges associated with establishing, installing and maintaining such utility or contact in said <br /> party's name. Within thirty(30)days of the Lease Commencement Date, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a copy of any <br /> requested Tenant Service Obligation information. <br /> Page 3 of 13 <br /> STANDARD FORM 593-T <br /> Revised 7/2018 <br /> Tenant Initials Landlord Initials ®7/2018 <br />