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2 <br /> Performing the remediation in quadrants will allow most the departments housed within the Link <br /> Center to stay in the same building during the remediation process, shifting departments <br /> internally as each space is remediated. However, one department must be relocated from the <br /> Link Building for the duration of the remediation in order to create flex space into which other <br /> departments can move while their respective spaces are being remediated. <br /> The Human Resources Department will be moved to the Asset Management Services space in <br /> West Campus Office Building to provide a centrally located, stable office location through the <br /> course of the repair and remediation. Asset Management Services will move to leased space at <br /> Major Business Forms located at 1510 Highway 86 North in Hillsborough. That location <br /> provides office space (5,000 square feet), pre-existing offices, a conference room, parking, and <br /> an attached warehouse (15,000 square feet). The lease cost would be $100,000 for the first <br /> year with the option to extend the lease for one term of 90 days. <br /> While the Human Resources' space within the Link Center would be large enough for most <br /> departments, additional lease space would be necessary for the County Attorney and the <br /> Human Rights and Relations Department. After reviewing several spaces within the immediate <br /> vicinity of Hillsborough, Suite 103 of the Sinclair Building located at 105 West Corbin Street was <br /> determined to be the best fit. The 1,895 square foot office space is within one mile of downtown <br /> Hillsborough, has pre-existing offices and conference rooms, and adequate parking. The cost of <br /> the lease for the first year is $30,000, with an option to renew. <br /> Once Asset Management Services, Human Resources, the County Attorney, and Human Rights <br /> and Relations have been relocated to temporary office space, the Public Defender's Office <br /> would move into the vacant Human Resources space within Link Center to allow the first stage <br /> of repair and remediation to begin. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Lease cost for the two spaces will be $130,000 for the first year. <br /> Additional costs for the moves and associated expenses are estimated at $20,000. Funds for <br /> the leases and move expenses will come from reallocating $150,000 in Capital Reserve funds to <br /> the General Fund (Asset Management Services) to cover the costs mentioned above. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goals are applicable <br /> to this item. <br /> • GOAL: CREATE A SAFE COMMUNITY <br /> The reduction of risks from vehicle/traffic accidents, childhood and senior injuries, gang <br /> activity, substance abuse and domestic violence. <br /> • GOAL: ENABLE FULL CIVIC PARTICIPATION <br /> Ensure that Orange County residents are able to engage government through voting and <br /> volunteering by eliminating disparities in participation and barriers to participation. <br /> Leasing of office space for will allow for the remediation and repair of the Link building, which <br /> will create a safe working environment for staff. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br /> 1.) Approve one year leases for office space within Major Business Forms (1510 Highway 86 <br /> North) and the Sinclair Building (105 West Corbin Street — suite 103); <br />