Orange County NC Website
RES-2019-015 3 <br /> RESOLUTION OF AMENDMENT <br /> A RESOLUTION AMENDING CHAPTER 12 OF THE ORANGE COUNTY CODE <br /> OF ORDINANCES <br /> Be it Resolved and Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina: <br /> WHEREAS, on June 10, 1991, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 623, <br /> entitled "An Act to Make Various Amendments to Laws Applicable in Orange and Chatham <br /> Counties"; and <br /> WHEREAS, Part 2, Section 6 of Ratified Senate Bill 623 authorizes the Orange County Board <br /> of Commissioners to adopt Civil Rights Ordinance and create a commission to assist in the <br /> enforcement of the Civil Rights Ordinance; and <br /> WHEREAS, Senate Bill 623 became effective upon ratification by the Senate on the 10th day of <br /> June, 1991 and became effective on that date (Session Law 1991, Chapter 246); and <br /> WHEREAS, on July 16, 1993, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 809, <br /> entitled "An Act to Make Sundry Amendments Relating to Local Governments in Orange and <br /> Chatham Counties" which amended Senate Bill 623; and <br /> WHEREAS, Part V, Section 6 of the Ratified Senate Bill 623 authorized the Orange County <br /> Board of Commissioners to adopt a Civil Rights Ordinance prohibiting discrimination in <br /> employment, housing and public accommodations and delegate authority to a commission the <br /> powers, which are necessary and proper, to assist in the enforcement of the Ordinance; and <br /> WHEREAS, Senate Bill 809 became effective upon ratification by the Senate on the 16th day of <br /> July, 1993 and became effective on that date (Session Law 1993, Chapter 358); and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners adopted a Civil Rights Ordinance on <br /> June 4, 1994 and the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough by Resolution authorized <br /> the application of the Civil Rights Ordinance within their respective jurisdictional boundaries; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Civil Rights Ordinance required members of the Orange County Human <br /> Relations Commission as a prerequisite to serving on a hearing panel to have received training <br /> by the North Carolina Human Relations Commission; and <br /> WHEREAS, now there are a number resources available to train members of the Orange <br /> County Human Relations Commission and to limit training to that received by the North Carolina <br /> Human Relations Commission would not benefit the Civil Rights program. <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, that the Code of Ordinances, Orange County, North <br /> Carolina, Chapter 12, is hereby amending sections 12-17(e) and 12-18(I), which sections read <br /> as shown in the attached revised ordinances. <br /> This Amendment shall become effective upon adoption. <br /> Adopted by the Orange County Board of Commissioners this 7t" day of March, 2019. <br />